

This is a text-based business contact application. It is very agile and a clear solution for various businesses to store their contact lists.


Clone the repository:

$ git clone

Run in Terminal:

$ python3

Commands & Description

Command Description
about Print developer information.
info Print number of contacts, and companies.
list List all contacts.
remove Remove a contact. Report contacts updated, Warns user if trying to remove contact that does not exist.
note Allows user to edit a note associated with a specified contact, or to view the current note.
add Add a contact.
load Load a default contacts file when the application starts, Warns user if file is invalid.
save Allows user to save current contact list to a comma separated file (CSV).
commands Load a set of commands from a file and execute them.

Example Screenshots

Command Feature Specifics

⚫️ Total number of contacts

⚫️ Number of companies

✨ Assumes each contact works at a different company.

⚫️ List all contacts

⚫️ Remove a contact

✨ To properly remove a contact: user must enter full name

✨ i.e. 'Elon Musk' rather than 'Elon'

⚫️ Add a contact

✨ To properly add a contact: user must enter something for each field.

✨ Will return to main instructions if user leaves a field empty.

✨ Furthermore, phone number must be ten digits long.

    ✨ i.e. 505-321-6920

⚫️ Create a note associated with specified contact

⚫️ Load a default contacts file:

✨ From startup: Immediately asks to load a file.

✨ Ensure this file is within your current working directory.

✨ However, the file titled 'sample.csv' is a great start to immediately load a simple contact list.

⚫️ Load a set of commands from a file

✨ MUST follow the example file: 'listofCommands.txt'.

✨ One instruction per line.

✨ Just as the normal program executes, each input is required immediately after the keyword is seen.

⚫️ Save contacts to a CSV file

✨ Must enter the '.csv' file extension when naming file, however file will be in the comma separated format.
Extra Credit Implemented
Random Welcome & Goodbye
Validate User Input
Import Contacts from a CSV file
Use Object Oriented Programming

Last Update:


Code Style

Formatted using Black. Linted using PyLint.