
⏬🚀 Fetch the most up-to-date sources of verified Smart Contracts (including proxy implementations) from Etherscan in seconds!

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⏬🚀 Fetch the most up-to-date sources of verified Smart Contracts (including proxy implementations) from Etherscan in seconds!



  • Fetch the sources of a contract from an address and save it to sources/ContractName/:
npx etherscan-src 0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F984
  • Note that if a standard proxy is detected, the proxy's implementation sources will be fetched instead:
npx etherscan-src 0x7Fc66500c84A76Ad7e9c93437bFc5Ac33E2DDaE9
  • You can optionally provide a target directory path, an Etherscan apiKey (to bypass the default query rate limit), or specify a network on which to query the Smart Contract's source code (by name or chainId, decimal or hexadecimal):
npx etherscan-src --target sources/uniswap/ \
    --apiKey ... \
    --network polygon \


npm install etherscan-src
yarn add etherscan-src