A list of free viable resources available or made free during the Corona Virus Pandemic, 2020
- aishajvPakistan
- arvikonohaUdupi
- ayra-jafriBerkeley, CA
- charlesghostLondon
- chrissc6Pensacola, FL
- dave-theunsub
- diaz4674San Francisco Bay Area
- Dojchinovska
- Duffuor
- fjmorazanTegucigalpa, Honduras
- githubmarker
- guar47@shi-boba
- hallielamSan Diego, CA
- iameduardod
- jawadrashid2011nDataconsulting
- jay3ss
- ltruncelEnployable, Inc.
- luisevidalMiami, FL
- mayallmanToronto
- MetalSyntaxRedGage, LLC.
- moxenseyaNew York
- nayeemnazmulThe Mobility House
- nersevTbilisi
- NomanGulKarachi, Pakistan.
- Nomirunn
- rhan9
- SebastianSlabyOpole, Poland
- Sh4wnHub
- StephenHeroUnited States
- stevenpham85Hanoi. New York. Sai Gon.
- tcardlabSAO, Null Island
- TheSittingCatTufts University
- ThomLinley
- vijpandaturtleAmrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
- xingped
- yaksha02Missoula, Montana