
For the next entire year, I plan to achieve knowledge in AWS, Security Engineering, and Cloud DevOps. This repository contains writeups, notes, for the things I am and will be doing.

Primary LanguageSmali


This repository contains notes and writeups for my learnings in AWS, Security, DevOps, and the Cloud.


  1. AWS - contains notes being developed while pursuing education for various different certifications
  2. cet - about the "Intel Control-Flow Enforcement Technology"
  3. gdb - practing and working with gdb
  4. kubernetes - security, projects and work related to kubernetes (focused on k8s)
  5. metasploitable3 - writeups for discussing the vulnerabilities in the metaploitable3 machine
  6. owasp - similar vulnerable machine. folder to contain writeups in the future.
  7. picoCTF - trying to add writeups and solutions on how to solve various challenges as I go along
  8. terraform - focused on terraform, and its aspects of security, performance, customizability, and projects