
Text mining on Data analyst job informaiton

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Text mining on Data analyst job informaiton


In order to get required details related to data analyst position, I plan to scrape the job post info from the linkedin, and implement text mining to understand the general or perferrable requrements from the employers.

Web scraping all the data analyst positions - Python

Generally, there are two issues during the process.

  • Login Issue: a. login with request session(I used) b. Selenium (slow / need to keep the login history)

  • Ajax Issue: How to identify and find the data that we want to scapped.

Text Mining on the positions information

  • Preprocessing: Nan Value removal Stop words list creation keep all letters in lower-case remove punctuation remove stop words remove addtional spaces

  • Word frequency and co-occurance analysis

  • Graphics mapping job distribution in selected cities skill sets frequency indexed significance key words cloud mapping Topic Analysis


Frequence Analysis

In order to fully understand the frequency, I removed the meaingless words, as well as too frequent words such as data. Based on the word cloud, we could see as a data analyst, it mainly requires analysis, report, may implemnetation work. The employers expect you have business consciousness, management and teamwork skillsets, as well as capabilities working in various systems based on project and facing to different clients.

For the required skills and knowledge, statistics, database, modeling, sql, and programming are frequently appeared in the job description.


Topic Analysis

From the topic analysis, the expected technical skills are sql, statistics, model, tableau, python. Also, the experience also plays a huge part in decisions from employers.


Sentiment Analysis

Based on the job descirption, most posts are purely positive, and only find two negative words in 1000 posts collected.