
The Zero Hunger Initiative, eradicating hunger in Africa

Deploy Link :

Figma Link :

  • Done
Figma ScreenShot :

Landing Page

  • Done

Action Map / Contribution Guidelines:

1. Fork the repository and clone the forked repo thereafter
2. Set up the communication line:

  • Set the parent repo as your upstream
  • for example:
$ git remote add upstream
  • Set the child repo (ie the one you forked as your origin
  • for example:
$ git remote add origin

3. Git checkout "branch" you are to work with

  • for example:
$ git checkout develop

4. After updating the repo with your changes; add it to git and commit it with a short illustrative message that coincide

  • for example:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "commit message"

5. Fetch or pull from the upstream "branch" (if theres conflict, solve it) && git push origin "branch"

  • for example:
$ git pull upstream develop
$ git push origin develop

6. Make a pull request to the base branch that you are adviced to make a request - in this case, to the develop branch of the upstream.
7. Above all, try to make sure you dont push directly to the Upstream Repo and if you get stuck, google or liaise with your Team Lead to put you through.

PS: Each time that you make changes after updating your local repo, kindly repeat from number 4 to number 6.


README franeldev © Zuri.Pjt108