HyBench - A New Benchmark for HTAP Databases

Software Environments

MAVEN version > 3.6.3

JAVA version > 17

Tested OS: |MacOS Ventura 13.2.1|Ubuntu 22.04|CentOS 7| Windows 10

An example for JAVA installation in MacOS: brew install openjdk@17

Benchmark Configuration

Configure the parameters for PostgreSQL 14 including username, password, username_ap, password_ap in the following file (NB: configure the same URL for a standalone setting):

cd HyBench-2023
vim ./conf/pg.props

Step 1: Data Generation and Loading [PostgreSQL 14]

psql -h localhost -U postgres -c 'create database hybench_sf1x;'

bash hybench -t sql -c conf/pg.props -f conf/ddl_pg.sql

bash hybench -t gendata -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml

psql -h localhost -U postgres -d hybench_sf1x -f conf/load_data_pg.sql

Step 2: Index Building [PostgreSQL 14]

bash hybench -t sql -c conf/pg.props -f conf/create_index_pg.sql

Step 3: Run the Benchmark [PostgreSQL 14]

bash hybench -t runall -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml

Performance Metrics


Benchmarking Notes

(1) Error: Could not find or load main class com.hybench.HyBench

Solution: modify the path to lib directory in the hybench file

(2) mvn clean package...Failed to execute goal on project HyBench:HyBench:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Solution: when the Maven version is greater than 3.8, you need to remove the tags of blocked mirrors of $Maven_home/conf/settings.xml. 

(3) With the OS in Windows, you may use the Java command to run HyBench:

Solution: java -cp "HyBench-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;lib/*" com.hybench.HyBench [-t][-c][-f]

(4) File not Found for PG data loading

Solution: modify the path to data directory in the conf/load_data_pg.sql file. For instance, replace 'Data_1x/customer.csv' with 'Data_10x/customer.csv'

(5) java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.List.size()" because "this.Related_Blocked_Checking_ids" is null

Solution: make sure the data directory is under the working path and contains two files: 'Related_checking_bids' with Related_transfer_bids'

(6) Fail to generate data

make sure the user has the write permission to the folder or use the sudo command: sudo bash hybench -t gendata -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml

(7) Benchmarking Parameters

Parameter List

Name Default Description Comments
db postgres System Under Test
classname org.postgresql.Driver TP JDBC Driver
username xxx TP username
password xxx TP password
url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/hybench_sf1x TP JDBC URL
url_ap jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/hybench_sf1x AP JDBC URL
classname_ap org.postgresql.Driver AP JDBC Driver
username_ap xxx AP username
password_ap xxx AP password
sf 1x scale factor: 1x、10x、100x。
at1_percent 35 AT1 ratio sum= 100%
at2_percent 25 AT2 ratio sum= 100%
at3_percent 15 AT3 ratio sum= 100%
at4_percent 15 AT4 ratio sum= 100%
at5_percent 7 AT5 ratio sum= 100%
at6_percent 3 AT6 ratio sum= 100%
apclient 1 AP concurrency
tpclient 1 TP concurrency
fresh_interval 20 If xpRunMins is set to 1 min,then the freshne evaluation is performed every 60/20=3 seconds
apRunMins 1 AP evaluation time
tpRunMins 1 TP evaluation time
xpRunMins 1 XP evaluation time
xtpclient 1 XP-ATS concurrency
xapclient 1 XP-IQS concurrency
apround 1 AP round,at least 1 round should be evaluated AP Power test

(9) Please refer to parameters.toml for the parameters of data generation.