
Create a list of Todo using this API. https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/

Primary LanguageKotlin


API Url = https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/

Create a list of Todo using the above URL.

Store all data in the local database and when data is not available in the local db then load from API.

Add todo in favorite and remove from favorites.

Tech Stack:

Minimum SDK level 21

Kotlin based, Coroutines

Hilt for dependency injection

Jetpack Compose

Lifecycle - dispose of observing data when lifecycle state changes

ViewModel - UI-related data holder, lifecycle aware

MVVM Architecture (View - ViewModel - Model)

Paging 3


Room Database

Light/Dark Theme


Screenshot 2021-10-09 at 21 23 06

Screenshot 2021-10-09 at 21 23 17