
Universe - A Community App for Huskies, a comprehensive web application designed and developed as part of the INFO6150 - Web Design & User Experience Engineering course. The project focuses on creating an engaging platform with advanced features, including user analytics, suggested connections, and a robust messaging system.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Universe - A Community App for Huskies

INFO6150 Web Design & User Experience Engineering

Project Overview

Welcome to Universe - A Community App for Huskies, a comprehensive web application designed and developed as part of the INFO6150 - Web Design & User Experience Engineering course. The project focuses on creating an engaging platform with advanced features, including user analytics, suggested connections, and a robust messaging system.

Project Idea

The primary goal of Universe is to provide users with a feature-rich environment, combining analytics, user recommendations, and seamless communication. Admins can efficiently manage user accounts, analyze user engagement, and facilitate communication, creating a dynamic and interactive user experience.

How to Run

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the backend directory:

    cd backend
    npm i
    npm run start
  2. Navigate to the frontend directory:

    cd frontend
    npm i
    npm run dev


Key features of the Universe web application include:

  1. Mobile Responsive UI: Ensures a seamless user experience across various devices.
  2. Admin and Users: Distinguishes between administrator and user roles with specific functionalities.
  3. Landing, Login & Sign Up Pages: Provides intuitive and secure onboarding experiences.
  4. Pages: Includes Home, Profile, Update Profile, Post, and Message Pages for comprehensive user interaction.
  5. Password Encryption: Utilizes bcrypt for secure password storage.
  6. Session Management: Implements JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for efficient session handling.
  7. Data Consistency: Maintains consistency in User, Posts, Message, and Conversation Models.
  8. End-to-End Transactions: Ensures seamless transactions for both Admin and User workflows.
  9. 3rd Party Libraries: Integrates Chakra UI and Bootstrap for enhanced UI components.
  10. Frontend Framework: Developed using React.
  11. Backend Tech: Powered by Node.js & Express.js.
  12. External APIs: Utilizes APIs from Hugging Face, Unsplash, OpenWeather.
  13. AWS Hosting: Hosts the web application on AWS EC2 instances for scalability and availability.
  14. CRUD Operations: Implements Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations for User & Posts.
  15. REST & MVC Architecture: Follows a RESTful API design and adheres to the Model-View-Controller architecture.
  16. Git Branching: Utilizes developer branches and functionality-based commits for effective version control.
  17. Documentation: Includes inline comments and follows a consistent naming convention for clarity.
  18. Database Management: Utilizes MongoDB, hosted on MongoDB Atlas, for efficient data storage and retrieval.

External APIs Used

  1. OpenWeather - Used to render the weather of the user's region.
  2. Unsplash - USed to render background images in the Login/Signup
  3. Hugging Face - Used to generate images with the power of AI.

Getting Started

To get started with Universe, you can explore the repository and its various components:

  • Project Report: For a detailed overview of the project, refer to the Project Report.

  • Architecture Diagram: For a detailed overview of the system architecture, refer to the diagrams that are part of the Readme.

  • Code Snippets: The repository includes code snippets that showcase the core components, including user accounts, posts and messaging. These components are the building blocks of Universe.

  • Presentation: The final presentation can be found at Project Presentation.

Architecture: MERN Stack






Folder Structure

folder structure

Group 14

Amuktha Vaishnavi Kotamsetty, Ketan Keshava, Nagalekha Ramesh, Ruchika Shashidhara.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

Feel free to explore and contribute to the Universe project. Happy coding!