PixaBay API and displays them in a list view. Each line in the list view should show two cells and lazy loading should be implemented to load 16 images per API request. The project architecture should follow the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern.

  1. List View: Implement a list view to display images with the author's name and photo ID obtained from the PixaBay API.
  2. Cell Layout: Each line in the list view should consist of two cells, ensuring a consistent and pleasant viewing experience on various devices.
  3. Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading to load 16 images per API request. This should help improve the initial loading time and the application's overall performance.
  4. MVVM Architecture: Design and implement the project following the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern. Ensure that the code is well-organized, modular, and adheres to best practices.

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 16 Pro Max - 2024-11-13 at 15 00 06