
This repository contains answers to questions for Android Interview Dry Run Project

####Interviewing Dry-Run Overview

This is a “dry-run” interview that simulates an in-person interview. The "dry-run" interview will consist of a series of questions that should be answered within a 1 hour time limit. One may add images where applicable to simulate any "whiteboard" drawings.

####Questions (6 total)

For each of the questions below, answer as if you were in an interview, explaining and justifying your answer with two to three paragraphs as you see fit. For coding answers, explain the relevant choices you made writing the code.

Question 1 - What’s your favorite tool or library for Android? Why is it so useful?

Question 2 - You want to open a map app from an app that you’re building. The address, city, state, and ZIP code are provided by the user. What steps are involved in sending that data to a map app?

Question 3 - Implement a method to perform basic string compression using the counts of repeated characters. For example, the string aabcccccaaa would become a2b1c5a3. If the "compressed" string would not become smaller than the original string, your method should return the original string. The method signature is: “public static String compress(String input)” You must write all code in proper Java, and please include import statements for any libraries you use.

Question 4 - List and explain the differences between four different options you have for saving data while making an Android app. Pick one, and explain (without code) how you would implement it.

Question 5 - Given a directed graph, design an algorithm to find out whether there is a route between two nodes. The method signature is: “public static < T > boolean findPath(GraphNode< T > start, GraphNode< T > end)”. Assume you have a “GraphNode” class that has a getChildren() method, which returns a List< GraphNode< T >> object. You must write all code in proper Java, and please include import statements for any libraries you use (no need to import GraphNode).

Question 6 - What are your thoughts about Fragments? Do you like or hate them? Why?