Run build and tests. Codacy Badge BCH compliance

This project is a proof of concept to calculate the score of user for some lines of insurances.

How it works

The application built in:

  • Kotlin as programming language
  • Javalin as web framework
  • Koin as dependency injection
  • Jackson as data bind serialization/deserialization

Unit Tests:

Integration Tests:

  • RestAssured to call the endpoints in tests and assert response data


  + config/
    All app setups. Javalin and DI(Koin)
    Router definition to features and exceptions
  + domain/
    + service/
        Bussiness rules layer
  + web/
    + controllers
        Classes and methods to mapping actions of routes
  - App.kt <- The main class

Getting started

You need just JVM installed.


The build run unit.

./gradlew clean build

The unit test can run just with:

./gradlew test

The integration test can run with:

./gradlew integrationTest

Start the server

This command start the server to use locally.

The server configured to start on 7000 with empty context, but you can change in

./gradlew run