RudiBoshoff's Stars
A clone of dribbble using rails. Site has authentication, authorization and user roles to allow for CRUD of own posts but not other users. The app makes use of BULMA CSS for styling and DEVISE gem for user roles and authentication. The site has likes rendered with AJAX and view counts and allows for drag and drop image uploads.
Mobile First Weathr app that uses open-weather api to update values. The app has search functionality as well as searches for the weather at your location
Dynamic Vision is a fictitious company that I designed a website for. I then decided to code it. The website incorporates a unique "Broken layout" where elements overlap. Site is fully responsive.
A simple form validation using vanilla JS with reuse-ability in mind. The form validation checks on submission, as well as on field change. The validation checks for: if a field is blank, if an email field has a valid email, if a password contains spaces, is a certain length, contains numbers, contains upper and lower case letters.
Ocean Relief is an idea I had for an ocean resort with an expensive feel. The design incorporates a unique "shimmer" when ctas scroll onto the screen. The site uses modern CSS such as clamp and fully embrasses SCSS functionality by making use of varlaibles, functions , mixins, etc. The site is fully responsive WITHOUT media queries.
Technical front end challenge
Simple rails blog with posts and comments with CRUD functionality and styled completely with Bulma CSS Framework
This was coded following the Learn Web Development with Rails (6th Edition) by Michael Hartl textbook. It incorporates user roles, authentication, testing, CRUD posts and comments, error handling, image manipulation, pagination and more.
A clone of twitter using rails. Site has authentication, authorization and user roles to allow for CRUD of own posts but not other users. The app makes use of BULMA CSS for styling and DEVISE gem for user roles and authentication.
Uncle honey is a fictitious company that produces honey and offers honey production tours. I designed the logo and then decided to turn it into a "cute" stylized website.