
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Hero Game

Once upon a time there was a great hero, called Orderus, with some strengths and weaknesses, as all heroes have.

Technical details

The game has two modes: local and remote.

  • The local mode is completely offline and can be used without internet. The game engine is implemented in Dart (current repository).
  • The remote mode uses a remote server as backend, acting as a UI only. Currently Android and Windows are supported. On Android, remote mode works only with properly signed ssl connections.

Configuration for the local engine

  • Characters

    • name
    • description
    • skills
    • stats: Health, Strength, Defence, Speed, Luck - an array of the form [min, max]
  • Monsters

    • same as characters
  • Skills

    • type: attack skills are applied when the player is attacking, defence skills while defending
    • target: owner or opponent; which player is the effect applied to
    • duration: the effect of temporary skills applies only to the current round, while permanent skills' effects apply for the remainder of the battle
    • stats: the character stat it applies to. The special value damage is applied to the damage calculated after applying all other skills. It's temporary by nature.
    • fractionalModifier: multiplier applied to stat.
    • valueModifier: this value is added to stat. Can be negative or positive.
    • New value equation: (value * fractionalModifier) + valueModifier

Game Mechanics

  • Player selects a character he or she wishes to play
  • Before each battle the player stats are reset to a random value between the character's stat range and a random monster is choosen, also with random stats within their range.
  • Battle consists of battle rounds with one attacker and one defender.
  • The player with the greater speed and luck starts the first round. If both speed and luck are the same, the first player is choosen randomly.
  • Monsters attack automatically, including if they are the first attacker (ambush)
  • The battle ends when one player's health reaches 0, or at 40 rounds (20 full turns).
  • The player with the most health health is declared the winner.
  • The actions a human player can take are Attack, Quickfight, Flee, Continue
    • Attack - performs one attack round on the opponents. If the opponents is a monster, it will counterattack (creating a second battle round)
    • Quickfight - the battle is resolved automatically
    • Flee - battle is completed instantly. No more attacks can be performed.
    • Continue - when a battle is complete (either through natural means, or by fleeing), the player can start a new battle