
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Tabbed inferface with support for nested and resizeable panels.

Video demo:


void main() async {
  // One initial panel
  // final tabPanel = TabPanel(defaultPage: YourDefaultPage());

  // or Create a more complex initial tab structure
  final tabPanel = TabPanel(
      defaultPage: PageA(),
      panels: [
          defaultPage: PageA(),
          panels: [],
          flex: 1,
          defaultPage: PageA(),
          axis: Axis.vertical,
          body: Container(color: Colors.blue),
          panels: [
              defaultPage: PageA(),
              panels: [],
              flex: 3,
              body: Container(color: Colors.green),
              defaultPage: PageA(),
              panels: [],
              flex: 1,
              body: Container(color: Colors.red),
          flex: 2,
          defaultPage: PageA(),
          panels: [],
          flex: 1,

      home: TabPanelWidget(tabPanel),

See the example folder for details.

Planned features and known issues

  • Extend the Tab API to better control its navigation stack. Most things the built-in Navigator class has, and a few more.
  • Integrate the Router class or write a custom implementation, for how to specify pages to be pushed.
  • More customization options for panels and the tab bar and ability to set different themes for panels.
  • Cupertino and Material versions.
  • Adding an option to limit the level of nesting. Currently is unlimited.
  • Clone tab
  • Adding a new tabs does not scroll the tab bar to bring it into view. To be fixed soon.