
//Just learnt how to use github. lmao. Here you go, some useless documentation for you :)

                                  -------------Produced By-------------
                                  ----------Dibbo Chowdhury------------
                                  --------Student ID:: @!)%!^#---------
                                  --------------Batch: @!--------------

If you are here, I appreciate your time paying attention to the credits. Who cares about credits anyway :")

As you decided to waste your time to read credits, I am gonna tell you some secrets about igraphics--

  • Don't use isettimer as your primary time counting tool, you may need to change the values in isettimer often . Also there will be many events in projects going side by side having different timespan. You can set that by taking a smaller timer reset on isettimer(just take low value for the nano sec thingy), then make another function for a specific event to iterate certain times to make th eevent happen. So you now dont have to wait for isettimer to update your project after hell of years :)
  • If you use many .bmp files to render at a time, it takes some more time for idraw to finish the whole block of code. The number of iteration in iDraw per iSetTimer reset or simply the time for each iteration in iDraw function might change with the addition of new .bmp files. You have to consider that. That happened to my project that is why the tiles are a bit laggy :p .
  • I prefer using illustrator for making the bitmap files. If you are not familiar with the software, it's ok. Because most of the resources online are kept under subscription. So I did my theme and all .bmp files using free resources and then editing it all with illustrator (also fixing the resolution of the pictures and making things look cohesive(Did i use wrong word? i don't know. If you meet me any day, let me know :p)).

Here you go. Take a look at the final output. YT link:: https://youtu.be/v39dQsr4c6s

Some assignment for myself to do sometime, also I wish I had enough time to do

  • Proper file structure.
  • Make the project look minimal
  • More detailed Video like Michael Reeves -_- I wish I was that cool :)