
Powerful backend web application built with Express.js and MongoDB, designed for administrators to manage content and users to explore personalized learning paths.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This repository contains the backend code for the EduVerse web application. EduVerse is a platform that offers user registration, authentication, payment processing, course management, and contact functionality.


To set up the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Rudraprasad-Mohapatra/EduVerse-Backend-WebApp
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file and configure the necessary environment variables. Refer to the provided .env.example for guidance.


User Routes

  • Register: POST /register
  • Login: POST /login
  • Logout: GET /logout
  • Get Profile: GET /me
  • Forgot Password: POST /forgotpassword
  • Reset Password: POST /reset/:resetToken
  • Change Password: POST /change-password
  • Update User: PUT /update

Payment Routes

  • Razorpay API Key: GET /razorpay-key
  • Subscribe: POST /subscribe
  • Fetch Subscription by ID: GET /subscriptions/:sub_id
  • Verify Subscription: POST /verify
  • Unsubscribe: POST /unsubscribe
  • All Payments (Admin): GET / (requires Admin role)

Course Routes

  • Get All Courses: GET /
  • Create Course: POST / (requires Admin role)
  • Get Lectures by Course ID: GET /:id
  • Update Course: PUT /:id (requires Admin role)
  • Remove Course: DELETE /:id (requires Admin role)
  • Add Lecture to Course: POST /:id (requires Admin role)
  • Delete Lecture from Course: DELETE /:id/lectures/:lectureIndex (requires Admin role)

Contact Route

  • Contact: POST /

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime for server-side development.
  • Express: Web application framework for Node.js.
  • MongoDB (via Mongoose): NoSQL database for data storage.
  • Bcrypt.js: Library for hashing and salting passwords.
  • Cloudinary: Cloud-based image and video management.
  • Cookie-parser: Middleware for handling HTTP cookies.
  • Cors: Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
  • Dotenv: Module for loading environment variables.
  • Jsonwebtoken: Implementation of JSON Web Tokens for user authentication.
  • Multer: Middleware for handling file uploads.
  • Nodemailer: Module for sending emails.
  • Razorpay: Payment gateway for handling online transactions.
  • Morgan (devDependency): HTTP request logger middleware.
  • Nodemon (devDependency): Utility for automatic server restarts during development.


Thank you for exploring EduVerse-Backend-WebApp! This project represents my exploration into building a robust backend for a web application, incorporating features such as user authentication, payment processing, and course management. As a backend project, it showcases my skills in using technologies like Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and various npm packages.

I welcome any feedback, suggestions, or contributions. Feel free to connect with me if you have questions or if you'd like to collaborate on enhancing this project.

Happy coding!