
An app to keep track of user's tasks. Stores the data locally on the phone using JSON Encoded Files.

Primary LanguageDart

To Do List

To Do List is a Flutter app designed to help you manage your tasks efficiently. With this app, you can easily create, mark as done or undone, and delete tasks. The app provides a simple and intuitive user interface, making it convenient to organize your daily tasks. This README will guide you through the features and functionality of the To Do List app.


  1. Task Screen: The app features a task screen where you can view and manage your tasks. Each task is displayed with a checkbox indicating its completion status.

  2. Mark Task as Done or Undone: You can mark a task as done or undone by simply tapping on the checkbox associated with it. This allows you to track your progress and keep your task list up to date.

  3. Add Task: To add a new task, tap the floating action button (FAB) located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This action triggers a drawer to slide up from the bottom, where you can enter the name of the task and add it to the task list.

  4. Delete Tasks: The app provides a delete button within the drawer to completely clear the task list. This feature allows you to remove all tasks at once when needed.

  5. Local Data Storage: To Do List utilizes the shared preferences package to store task data locally in JSON format. This ensures that your tasks are saved even if you close the app or restart your device.

Getting Started

To run the To Do List app on your device, follow these steps:

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure that you have Flutter SDK and the Dart programming language installed on your machine. For more information, refer to the Flutter installation guide.

  2. Clone the Repository: Clone the To Do List repository to your local machine using Git or download the ZIP file directly.

  3. Open the Project: Launch your preferred IDE (e.g., Android Studio, Visual Studio Code) and open the To Do List project by selecting the root folder of the cloned repository.

  4. Install Dependencies: In your IDE's terminal, navigate to the project directory and run the command flutter pub get to install all the required dependencies.

  5. Run the App: Connect your device/emulator, and run the command flutter run in the terminal. This will build and launch the To Do List app on your device.


Contributions to the To Do List app are welcome. If you have any bug fixes, feature suggestions, or improvements, please submit a pull request following the existing coding style and guidelines.