Pinned Repositories
Budget-App is designed with offline access and functionality to reliably keep the budget on track. Expenses and deposits can be added with or without an internet connection.
This is a burger logging application, which prompts the user to enter a burger name they'd like to eat. Once entered, it gets added to a section on the page. It get's moved to another section, with a button click - to confirm that it's been devoured.
Confessions is a social platform that allows users to post and share thoughts anonymously.
The primary goal of e-directory is to provide quick access to an entire employee directory built with React.
Employee-db is an easy to use database CLI application to interact with and make changes. This Content Management System provides access to manage a company's employee database using NodeJS, Inquirer and MySQL.
Git-Shopping is a team project involving the deployment of a fictitious E-commerce site. The site is hosted thru Heroku and uses MySQL as its database.
This assessment is powered by JavaScript code, HTML and CSS. A timer begins with a click, and multiple-choice questions are presented. Score is tracked and once quiz is completed, the high scores along with entered initial are saved to local storage.
Livent is an application that allows a user to search for events when they enter specific criteria in the search bar. The event date, location, time and distance to the user will be provided for that particular event. It will also be displayed on a map using API's.
The primary goal of this README generator is to create a high-quality README file for any application. This should free the developer to devote more time to work on their project.
Rudy-Menjivar's Repositories
Confessions is a social platform that allows users to post and share thoughts anonymously.
Git-Shopping is a team project involving the deployment of a fictitious E-commerce site. The site is hosted thru Heroku and uses MySQL as its database.
This assessment is powered by JavaScript code, HTML and CSS. A timer begins with a click, and multiple-choice questions are presented. Score is tracked and once quiz is completed, the high scores along with entered initial are saved to local storage.
Livent is an application that allows a user to search for events when they enter specific criteria in the search bar. The event date, location, time and distance to the user will be provided for that particular event. It will also be displayed on a map using API's.
Budget-App is designed with offline access and functionality to reliably keep the budget on track. Expenses and deposits can be added with or without an internet connection.
This is a burger logging application, which prompts the user to enter a burger name they'd like to eat. Once entered, it gets added to a section on the page. It get's moved to another section, with a button click - to confirm that it's been devoured.
The primary goal of e-directory is to provide quick access to an entire employee directory built with React.
Employee-db is an easy to use database CLI application to interact with and make changes. This Content Management System provides access to manage a company's employee database using NodeJS, Inquirer and MySQL.
The primary goal of this README generator is to create a high-quality README file for any application. This should free the developer to devote more time to work on their project.
basic git commands
seo site
This Mobile Ready Portfolio ensures that web applications will render correctly on a variety of devices with different screen sizes.
This Note saving application saves and deletes notes from a JSON file, all from the cloud! The backend code was built to connect with the frontend starter code. HTML routes are setup to return the index and notes files, while dynamically updating its database.
This repository includes starter code which has been reviewed to reverse engineer it. A tutorial has been created to explain every file and its purpose, as well as any dependency of other files.
Random password generator
My portfolio design ensures that web applications will render correctly on a variety of devices with different screen sizes, from computers to smartphones.
This CLI application uses inquirer to prompt the client to enter the profile information for the team manager and team members. The team members may be a mix of engineers and interns. Once the team is built, the application will create an HTML file displaying the team roster.
Workout Tracker is a web application to create and track daily workouts. Multiple exercises can be logged for any given day, with tracking of the exercise details such as type, weight, sets, reps, and duration. Additionally, cardio exercises can track total distance.