
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A Shortener url gem for rails


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'shorti', git: 'https://github.com/Rudy-Zidan/shorti.git'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install shorti

Then install shorti:

$ rails g shorti:install

Then run migrations:

$ rails db:migrate


You will need to install Ngrok to test the app properly.

In development and test mode please set the following environment variables from "Ngrok" so you can work with url redirection fine:

# ngrok domain or your real domain on production.

You can set the main domain for shorti by setting up an initializer "shorti.rb" in your app as the following: /config/initializers/shorti.rb

Shorti.setup do |config|
  # ngrok domain goes here.
  # if you are in production then it will be your own domain.
  config.domain = ENV['SHORTI_DOMAIN']

You can set the Shorti routes in your routes.rb as the following:

mount Shorti::Engine => "/"

Project structure

  • Controllers
    • ShortenUrlsController: Handle basic crud and redirection process.
  • Presenters
    • BasePresenter: Parent class for any presenter.
    • NotFoundErrorPresenter: Handle 404 error presentation.
    • ValidationErrorPresenter: Handle validation errors "422" from models.
    • ShortenUrlCollectionPresenter: Handle presentation of shorten_urls with pagination meta data.
    • ShortenUrlPresenter: Handle presentation of single shorten_url.
  • Services
    • BaseService: Parent class for any service.
    • CreateShortenUrlService: Handle creation process of shorten_url.
    • FindShortenUrlByIdService: Fetch shorten_url by id.
    • FindShortenUrlByUrlService: Fetch shorten_url by url.
    • GetAllShortenUrlService: Fetch collection of shorten_url and support pagination using Pagy.
    • DestroyShortenUrlService: Delete shorten_url from DB.
  • Models
    • ShortenUrl: Represent a shortened full url. Contains the following attributes("id", "original_url", "url", "created_at", "updated_at").

Api collection

Download the following Postman collection


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.