
ESP8266 ILI9341 multiple window + printf sources, wireframe viewer, cusom fonts, WEB, SD CARD , RTC

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\mainpage index page \section README

@par Documentation

  • Pleasse use this link for Documentation and this README @see https://rawgit.com/magore/esp8266_ili9341/master/doxygen/html/index.html @par Copyright
  • See COPYRIGHT.md for a full copyright notice for the project @par Description
  • ESP8266 support libraries
    • All of the code in this project, except where noted is written by me
    • Analog Devices ADF4351 Wideband Synthesizer driver and test code
      • Control is via serial terminal that works while the other demos run
      • adf4351 123456000 10000
        • frequency, and channel spacing used in calculations
      • adf4351_scan 144e6 145e6 10000
        • start frequency, end frequency, channel spacing
    • ILI9341 display driver
      • Mutiple custom size window support
      • Window scrolling
      • readPixel() function suported
      • The specific display this was tested on is a TM022HDH26 display I got from ebay.
      • Not limited by ILI9341 hardware scroll restrictions.
  • BDF compiler and fonts - creates C code used in the display drivers
  • Wireframe Viewer
    • Code generator for Earth coastline data
    • I created two wireframe demos
      • Cube wireframe dataset
      • Earth coastline dataset - wireframe view still needs hidden line removal option
  • CORDIC C code generator and 3D transformation code support functions use by wireframe viewer code
  • Small PRINTF with full floating point support - much smaller then GNU full verson along
  • ATOF and various integer conversions
  • WEB server using SD CARD with CGI processing - files and CGI results can be ANY SIZE! * Example web site for testing * WEB server can update TFT display
    • Simple door sign status update using web page - see html/msg.cgi and web/web.c for code
  • Network server client example for display updates
  • Uart network server client for serial uart to network bridge.
  • Generic queue handling code
  • Uart driver.
  • POSIX wrappers for FatFS - provides unix file I/O operations * Includes FatFS SD card support by ChaN
  • POSIX time functions and RTC set with NTP
  • Multiple timers used by rtc and time functions
  • HSPI code that can handle multiple devices each with varying clock frequencies

@par Credits

@par Directories

  • Files

    • Makefile from CHERTS modified for the project
      • Features controlled by variables in Makefile
    • README.md - Project readme file
    • COPYRIGHT.md - Project Copyright file
    • Doxyfile - Doxygen configuration file
    • get_esp-open-sdk - shell script to download an install ESP OPEN SDK on Ubuntu 14.04LTS
      • Tested with esp_iot_sdk_v1.5.2 as of 21 Jun 2016
    • term115200 - shell script to launch terminal to 115200 baud
  • Directories

  • adf4351

    • Analog Devices ADF4351 Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO driver
      • adf4351.c
      • adf4351.h
    • Hardware Abstarction layer
    • adf4351_hal.c
    • adf4351_hal.h
  • bridge

    • bridge.c
    • bridge.h
      • Serial bridge code - send and receive serial data via network
      • Opens a port on port 23 so you can use telnet to test
        • Note: at the moment no telnet command processing is done.
  • cordic

    • cordic.c
      • My 3D transformation functions based on CORDIC and gradians/100
      • 1 = 90degrees so the integer part reflects the quadrant
    • cordic2c_inc.h
      • CORDIC lookup tables generated with my program cordic2c
      • 1 = 90degrees so the integer part reflects the quadrant
    • make_cordic
      • cordic2c.c
        • My customized CORDIC code, CORDIC table generating tools
        • Creates fixed point tables where 1 = 90degrees
          • The integer part reflects the quadrant
        • Based on work by P. Knoppers, 13-Apr-1992.
      • Makefile
        • Make and test CORDIC tables
  • display

    • font.c
    • font.h
      • My Fixed and proportional font display code
    • fonts.h
      • Fonts data structures converted BDF fonts
    • ili9341.c
    • ili9341.h
      • My mostly rewritten ili9341 display driver code handles multiple windows
        • Optimized line drawing function is from CHERTS
        • Non optimized version is also supplied that I wrote in 1984
        • multiple window support
        • readPixel() works on most all 4 wire displays now
        • scrolling window support
    • tft_printf.c
    • tft_printf.h
      • Printf interface to display library tft_printf()
  • docs

    • ili9431 and esp8266 related documents
  • driver - only third party code

    • cal_dex.c
      • Debug exception support by cal (20150421, cal)
    • ili9341_adafruit.c
    • ili9341_adafruit.h
      • Adafruit display - just those few functions that I have not rewritten
  • earth

    • Earth coast line data and display code
    • Still need to add hidden vector removal
      • 00README.txt
        • Article on coordinate transforms from stackoverflow by Daphna Shezaf
      • make_wireframe
        • earth2wireframe.c
          • Create C structure wire-frame coastline data
          • This code could be easily adapted for any kind of wire-frame
        • Makefile
          • earth_data.h from Coastline LAt/LONG pairs
        • data
          • world.dat
          • world_10m.txt
          • world_110m.txt
          • world_50m.txt
            • Coastline data at various resolutions
  • fatfs

    • FatFs core is by (C)ChaN, 2013
      • disk.c
      • disk.h
      • diskio.h
      • ff.c
      • ffconf.h
      • ff.h
      • integer.h
      • mmc.c
      • mmc.h
      • option
      • syscall.c
      • unicode.c
  • SD card HAL and POSIX wrappers - provides unix file I/O operations

    • modified to use hardware abstraction
  • My interface and POSIX wrappers

    • fatfs_utils.c
    • fatfs_utils.h
    • mmc_hal.c
    • mmc_hal.h
    • posix.c - provides a few dozen unix file I/O operation wrappers for FatFS
    • posix.h
  • fonts

    • BDF Font conversion code
      • bdffont2c.c
        • Convert BDF fonts to C structures main program
      • bdffontutil.c
      • bdffontutil.h
        • BDF fonts to C support code
      • bdfview.c
        • ASCII previewer to test BDF display code
      • font.h
        • Font data structure definitions
      • fonts.h
        • Converted fonts as C structures
      • Makefile
        • Make file to build selected fonts into a C structure
      • docs
        • BDF font specs
      • fixed
        • ucs-fonts.tar.gz
        • Unicode versions of the X11 "misc-fixed-*" fonts
        • Markus Kuhn, etc
      • fonts
        • Rockbox Font Collection - www.rockbox.org
        • Reorganized into three directories
          • C - constant size fonts
          • P - Proportional size fonts
          • O - Other
  • html

    • A working web site with files that can be put on an SD card
      • Used for testing web.c
  • include

    • misc esp8266 include files
  • lib

    • time, rtc and timer functions
      • time.h
      • time.c - POSIX time functions
      • timer.h
      • timer.c - simple timers (only intended for quick functions)
      • timer_hal.h
      • timer_hal.c - timer hardware abstraction layer
    • implementation of some posix stdlib functions
      • stdlib.c
    • implementation of some posix ctype, string and strings functions
      • str.c
      • str.h
    • Generic ring buffer support code
      • queue.c
      • queue.h
  • network

    • Simple network server - displays message sent by send.c
      • network.c
  • printf

    • My small printf with floating support, misc I/O functions
      • printf.c
      • printf.h
    • Build and test printf
      • Makefile
    • Test functions for printf.c that can be run under linux to verify results
      • test_printf.c
  • scanf

    • Simple scanf
      • scanf.c
  • send.c

    • Send message to network server
    • Example: ./send -i -m '\fscrolling\ntext\n1\n2\n3\n4'
      • These escape characters are processed on the display: \n, \t, \f
  • user

  • Main user demo task

    • user_main.c
  • Intializes ESP8266 and sets up demo with 4 active windows with independent attributes

  • utils

  • Debugging printf wrapper

    • debug.c
    • debug.h
  • My rewritten HPSI code that avoids unaligned read and writes (based on code ideas from CHERTS and Sem)

    • hspi.c
    • hspi.h
  • Serial I/O Interrup driven receive and transmit code

    • uart.c
    • uart.h
    • uart_register.h
  • Flash read, Bittest functions, For systems requiring specific memory alignment access methods

    • flash.c
    • flash.h
  • POSIX malloc,calloc and free wrappers

    • sys.c
    • sys.h
  • web

  • Web server with FAT filesystem SD CARD support

    • web.c
    • web.h
  • Features

    • Served files can be ANY SIZE!
    • CGI files can have an extension of: html,htm,text,txt,cgi
      • CGI results can be ANY SIZE
    • Only tokens of the form @_ token _@ are replaced by the rewrite function
      • @see rewrite_cgi_token() in web.c
    • Uses yield function to continue background tasks while serving requests
  • Applications

    • I created a door sign status display that can be updated via a web page web page running on the esp8266
      • Copy the file html/msg.cgi to the root folder of a fat32 SD card and modify to suit your needs.
      • Use: open a web browser to the web server runing on the esp8266
        • See the Video
        • For example:
        • You can update status and return time information on the TFT display by entering information on the page.
  • wire

    • Wireframe viewer code - uses CORDIC
      • wire.c
      • wire.h
    • Wireframe CUBE data
      • cube_data.h
    • Wireframe EARTH data
      • earth_data.h
  • yield

    • Yield code from Arduino yield code
    • README.txt
    • cont.S
    • cont.h
    • cont_util.c
      • Context switch code
    • ets_sys.h
    • Main user_init and task replacement with yield support
      • user_task.c
      • user_task.h

@par Demo Video

@par Demo Images

  • Running demo and sending a message to the network window
  • "./send -i -m 'testing\nTest3\nscrolling\ntext\n1\n2'"
    • Diagnostics from send ip:, port:31415, message: testing Test3 scrolling text 1 2 Host name:
    • Result: