
Proof of concept for using HttpClientFactory with HttpPolly and Refit

Primary LanguageC#

HttpClientFactory with HttpPolly Proof of Concept

The purpose of this POC is to demonstrate how to add resiliency to intercommunications between micro-services and also to demonstrate that the use of other tools such as RestEase or Refit can be used seamlessly in tandem with HttpClientFactory and HttpPolly.

Documentation References

Title Link
Microsoft Docs https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/http-requests?view=aspnetcore-2.2#use-polly-based-handlers
Refit Repository https://github.com/reactiveui/refit
Polly (Dynamic Policy Reconfiguration) https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly/wiki/Dynamic-reconfiguration-during-running
Polly (Bulkhead) https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly/wiki/Bulkhead
Polly (Policy Wrap) https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly/wiki/PolicyWrap
Delegating Handler Order https://www.stevejgordon.co.uk/httpclientfactory-aspnetcore-outgoing-request-middleware-pipeline-delegatinghandlers
Simulate Response Codes https://httpstat.us/

Starting the POC

This is a simple console application that can be started up without any extra effort. When it starts, the console will open and a lot of output will flood. Look for the "warning" type messages that are written in all caps for test begin sections.

Things I Learned

  • It's best to just add new policies to the registry.
  • Working with policy handlers is a lot like working with middleware - first in, last out.
  • Certain policies are state-ful and apply to the entire client regardless of the call.
  • IHttpClientFactory manages the HttpClient lifetime now and we no longer have to worry about having a single HttpClient, but you can set a custom lifetime on your client.
  • IHttpClientFactory supports typed clients which both RestEase and Refit can be used to provide.
  • There's a site out there to return simulated response codes
  • Microsoft's HttpClientFactory is extremely flexible and works great with HttpPolly, RestEase, and Refit.
  • Refit has a ton of features and you can just read about them here - because that's not what this POC is for... ;)

Things I'm Still Not Sure About

  • Are MessageHandlers and PolicyHandlers treated the same when it comes to order of execution?
  • How can you change the policy configuration during runtime when using the policy registry?

Things You Probably Didn't Notice

  • There's a period missing from a sentence above.