
Flutter Lifecycle

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1.1 Describe

flutter_lifecycle draws on the lifecycle idea of the native platform Android/iOS and make a lifecycle system on Flutter. Developers can perceive StatefulWidget's lifecycle wherever you need

/// LifecycleState
enum LifecycleState {
  /// describe:init
  /// frequency:single
  /// explanation:Triggered during the initialization phase of StatefulWidget creation

  /// describe:created
  /// frequency:single
  /// explanation:StatefulWidget is created and triggered when the first frame is rendered

  /// describe:start
  /// frequency:(possibly)multiple
  /// explanation:StatefulWidget starts or becomes visible again (temporarily non-interactive); eg: when the page is first entered / when the non-fullscreen interface disappears; paired with #onStop

  /// describe:resume
  /// frequency:(possibly)multiple
  /// explanation:StatefulWidget starts or re-interacts; eg: when the page is interactive for the first time/non-fullscreen interface disappears; paired with #onPause

  /// describe:pause
  /// frequency:(possibly)multiple
  /// explanation:StatefulWidget is visible but not interactive; called when the StatefulWidget loses focus/enters the background/is blocked by the system or a custom non-fullscreen popup; paired with #onResume

  /// describe:stop
  /// frequency:(possibly)multiple
  /// explanation:StatefulWidget is invisible & non-interactive; called when the StatefulWidget completely leaves the user's field of view/enters the background/is blocked by the system or a custom full-screen popup; paired with #onStart

  /// describe:destroy
  /// frequency:single
  /// explanation:Called when StatefulWidget destroys/exits the program

1.2 diagram


2.1 Dependency

Add flutter_lifecycle_aware dependency to pubspec.yaml file


  # flutter lifecycle
  flutter_lifecycle_aware: ^0.0.3

2.2 Create an observer

Inherit the LifecycleObserver observer wherever you want to monitor the StatefulWidget's lifecycle and implement the onLifecycleChanged method

///Where you need to monitor the StatefulWidget lifecycle
class AViewModel extends LifecycleObserver {
  ///resources to be released
  ScrollController controller = ScrollController();

  void initData() {}

  ///destroy/release resources
  void destroy() {

  ///Lifecycle callback listener
  void onLifecycleChanged(LifecycleOwner owner, LifecycleState state) {
    if (state == LifecycleState.onCreate) {
    } else if (state == LifecycleState.onDestroy) {

2.3 Use Lifecycle and bind observer objects

Mixin Lifecycle in StatefulWidget and bind LifecycleObserver to realize lifecycle awareness

///Mixin Lifecycle into StatefulWidget and bind LifecycleObserver
class _MyPageState extends State<MyPage> with Lifecycle {
  void initState() {

    ///bind LifecycleObserver

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

2.4 Auxiliary configuration

Add auxiliary configuration in MaterialApp LifecycleRouteObserver.routeObserver

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(

      /// Lifecycle Assist Settings
      navigatorObservers: [LifecycleRouteObserver.routeObserver],
      home: const MyPage(),