optee TA and REE application to support fde on Ubuntu Core

This repository contains the REE/host and TA to handle sealing and unsealing of the keys used for the fde on Ubuntu Core systems 2. Host application is expected to be invoked by snapd/snap bootstrap within Ubuntu Core runtime. REE application assumes tee kernel driver is either already loaded or statically built into the kernel. Passed keys are encrypted with HUK derived key. Each TA has own derived key, which is further derived by randomised handle generated at key sealing.

REE application and TA assume optee version 3.12+ 1

There 3 scenarios for host binary to be executed in.

During system install: executable fde-setup

This hook can be executed either as kernel snap hook in snap environment or as hook within initramfs runtime. When running as kernel snap hook, operation to be performed is requested fromsnapctl with parameter fde-setup-request. Returned request is json formatted string. Result of the operation is passed back to snapctl as json formatted sting with parameter fde-setup-result. When running within initramfs runtime. Operation to be performed is passed as json formated string on stdin. Result of the operation is returned as json formatted string on stdout.

  • supported operations:
    • initial-setup: encrypt passed key, generate handle is supported.
      • request: {"op": "initial-setup","key": "base64-encoded-bytes", "key-name" : "string"}
      • result: {"encrypted-key": "base64-encoded-bytes", "handle": "<base64-generated-bytes>"}

Within initrd: executable fde-reveal-key

Operation to be performed is passed as json formated string on stdin. Result of the operation is returned as json formatted string on stdout.

  • supported operations:
    • reveal: reveal key from passed
      • request: { "op": "reveal", "sealed-key": "base64-encoded-bytes", "handle": "base64-encoded-bytes", "sealed-key-name": "string"}
      • result: {"key": "base64 encoded key"}
    • lock: lock interface till next reboot
      • request: { "op": "lock" }
      • result:


  • --ta-lock-status: get TA lock status
  • --lock-ta: lock TA for any crypto operation till next reboot
  • --generate-random:


  • REE: Rich Execution Environment
  • TA: Trusted Application
  • HUK: Hardware Unique Key