
Calculates p(r) for the centre of mass of a functional group

Primary LanguageFortran


Calculates p(r) for the centre of mass of a functional group from LAMMPS output


To compile, use the make command with the included makefile or:

$ gfortran -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic -ffpe-trap=zero,overflow,underflow -O3 RDF_com.f08 -o pofrcom


Masses.in is a two collumn, space separated file with atom type on column #1 and mass on column #2.

Params.in has all the following configurable settings (first 12 columns are option, anything after that is not read):


Number of columns in lammpstrj_filename

Number of steps in lammpstrj_filename

Ignore first X steps in lammpstrj_filename

Number of atoms in target molecule

Number of FGs in target molecule

Number of FG types in target molecule

Size of FG in atoms

Atomtype of first atom in FG

Boxlength (needs ot be changed to be read from input)

SolventNum (not implemented)

Size of histogram bin

Lowest bin

Number of bins

Logical switch to calculate 2D (XY) p(r) (T/F)