
A computational notebook for MontyCarlo projects.

Primary LanguagePython


A computational notebook for MontyCarlo projects.

The plan.

  • React front end
  • Django Backend, two components:
    • main -> receives requests from the client and redirects them to a kernel
    • kernel -> receives requests from main and carries out processing

Backend description

The kernel is meant to be its own process running in parallel with main. Several kernels may be spawn.

The kernel will use the exec(the_code) function call to execute the python code passed by main.

Secure channels will be established between kernel and main to prevent any sort of code injection.

Front end description

MontyBook is meant for prototyping.

-                         -
-                         -
-         PLOT            -
-                         -         
-                         -
------- draggable ---------
-                         -                         
- [form] [dens] [create]  -
-                         -
-  _____________________  -
-        geom code        -
-  _____________________  -
-          [ render geo]  -
-          [simulate]     -
-                         -
  "name":"User defined name",
      "formula":{"H":2, "O":1}
     "code":"#actual python code", 
     "sources": {