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Orchextra SDK for Android

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A library that gives you access to Orchextra platform from your Android sdkVersionAppInfo.

Getting started

Start by creating a project in Orchextra Dashboard, if you haven't done it yet. Go to "Setting" > "SDK Configuration" to get the api key and api secret, you will need these values to start Orchextra SDK.


Orchextra SDK is composed of Orchextra Core.

Orchextra Core

  • Geofences
  • Beacons
  • Push Notifications
  • Barcode Scanner

Image Recognition Add-on

  • Image Recognition Scanner Module: Vuforia implementation


You can check how SDK works with the :app module of this repository.


Android Jelly Bean (v. 18) or later. But Orchextra can be integrated in Android Gingerbread (v. 10), Google Play Services 7.8, 8.4 , or 9.0, and Google Support Api23.

Add the dependency

We have to add the gradle dependencies. In our rootproject build.gradle file, we add the following maven dependency. This is required in order to advice gradle that it has to look for Orchextra sdk inside jitpack.io maven repository. Gradle file is this one:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

Thinking about how to improve , in this version we have created different flavors using 3 different versions of GCM . And generating three versions of .aar possibilities. and we add the Orchextra dependency in our sdkVersionAppInfo module:

with GCM 7.8

   {transitive true}
   compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:7.8.0'
   compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-gcm:7.8.0'

or with GCM 8.4

   {transitive true}
   compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:8.4.0'
   compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-gcm:8.4.0'

or with GCM 9.0

     {transitive true}
   compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:9.0.0'
   compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-gcm:9.0.0'

The previous dependency has to be added into this file:

and we must sync gradle project.

Integrate Orchextra SDK

We have to created a class which extends from Application (if we didn't do yet) and add the Orchextra init method. We could implement OrchextraCompletionCallback interface in order to receive the orchextra status.

OrchextraBuilder builder = new OrchextraBuilder(this)
                .setApiKeyAndSecret(API_KEY, API_SECRET)

IMPORTANT you must make this call in public void onCreate() of your Application class, if you do not call initialize in this method, the SDK will not initialize properly. You can check that using the logLevel.

IMPORTANT if you are using Android Studio 2.1 or higher, and have "Instant Run" enabled, the first time you install the APK is installed in new device, the initialize() spends too much time, maybe a minute on older devices.The second time the problem disappears. To avoid this problem in Android Studio, disables the " Instant Run" from settings-> Build , Execution , Deployment- > Instant Run

Then, in any part of our application we should start the orchextra sdk.


After calling start, you can call Orchextra.stop() if you need to stop all Orchextra features, so you can call again start or stop in order to fit your requirements.

Change project/authCredentials Orchextra SDK

In the new version we set the Orchextra project authCredentials when we initialize the sdk, if we want to change the Ox Project, we can call it in any moment.


If the credetials, have no change, the method do nothing.

Custom Scheme - Delegate

In order to get custom schemes within our sdkVersionAppInfo must conform the CustomSchemeReceiver interface, the following method will handle all the custom schemes created in Orchextra.

Orchextra.setCustomSchemeReceiver(new CustomSchemeReceiver() {
            public void onReceive(String scheme) {
                Log.i("TAG", "SCHEME: " + scheme);

Add user to Orchextra

CrmUser class is a local representation of a user persisted to the Orchextra Database to help to create a good user segmentation. This object is optional and could be set up at any time.

Orchextra.setUser(new CrmUser(CRM_ID,
                new GregorianCalendar(1981, Calendar.MAY, 31),

At this time we are changing all related management CrmUser keywords and tags . In brief update this part with the new way to get and set these features.

Is a good idea, always, put a unique key in CRM_ID, is the way for identificate your user in Orchextra. For example you can use the next snipped for generate key for device:

private String getUniqueCRMID() {
        String secureAndroidId = Settings.Secure.getString(getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(),
        String serialNumber = Build.SERIAL;
        String deviceToken = secureAndroidId + BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + serialNumber;
        return deviceToken;

Start Actions

Orchextra SDK let you invoke a couple of action within your own application to start a new user journey


You can scan QR and Barcode linked in Orchextra. To launch the scanner you just need to add the following line to the action.


##Customizing styles Orchextra has default icons, colors and texts which can be overwritten. Firstly, you sdkVersionAppInfo must extends from Theme.AppCompat.Light style and overwrite the colorPrimary, colorPrimaryDark and colorAccent items to be applied to Orchextra styles. For example, the color of the toolbar is the color definied as colorPrimary style.

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/color_primary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/color_primary_dark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/color_accent</item>

if you don't it, the default colorPrimary, colorPrimaryDark and colorAccent are

 <color name="color_primary">#3F51B5</color>
 <color name="color_primary_dark">#303F9F</color>
 <color name="color_accent">#FF4081</color>

In your string.xml, you can include some customized strings

<!-- Toolbar title in the scanner screen -->
<string name="ox_scanner_toolbar_title">Scanner</string>
<!-- Toolbar title in the webview screen -->
<string name="ox_webview_toolbar_title">Web View</string>

In the same way, some color you can customize are

<!-- Background color of the icon in the notification area -->
<color name="ox_notification_background_color">#EE524F</color>
<!-- Toolbar title and icon color -->
<color name="ox_toolbar_title_color">#FFF</color>

Additionally, you should customize the Orchextra Sdk with your drawables.

  • ox_notification_large_icon: This image is used as large icon in notifications and as image in the dialogs inside the application.
  • ox_notification_alpha_small_icon: Icon is showed in the notification bar in Android version 21 o higher.
  • ox_notification_color_small_icon: Icon is showed in the notification bar in Android versions lower than 21.
  • ox_close: Icon which is locate in the upper left corner of a screen and is used to close the view.

Push Notifications

Creating a push project

First of all is important to create and configure your project in Google Cloud Platform. When your project is already create you should take care of two important fields:

  • Regarding project information "Project Number" that would be the identifier of sending events you will use inside SDK.

  • Regarding API information "Server API KEY", this is something you have to create. Create authCredentials -> API key -> Server Key this will generate a String taht you will have to include in your parse project.

That's all in Google console. Now you should create a project in Parse Dashboard and Set up notifications for android giving "Server API KEY" you created in previous step to you parse project.

In this new version of OrchextraSDK you can use your own Push Notifications and use the OrchextraSDK Push Notification combine.For that you must to implements in your sdkVersionAppInfo an enrouter Service (extends GcmListenerService) , for redirect the notification using the parameter String from in onMessageReceived method. That parameter contains the sender_id or projectNumber configurated in push server(like Parse). Write us if you need more help at this point.

SDK configRequest for using Notification Push

In this version we use the OrchextraBuilder instead of strings.xml for set the sender_ID.

OrchextraBuilder builder = new OrchextraBuilder(this)


Use here your "Project Number"(sender_id) and Orchextra and Parse will do all stuff for you. For customizing the push notifications title in SDK is quite simple you should Override this strings at your strings.xml ox_notification_push_title: Override this string resource in order to get your custom Push notification title. Default is Orchextra.

  • Do not forget about image resources, all the explanations given in Customizing styles section about notifications applies here for customizing push notification image resources.

Now you can check if Push notifications are working, try to send a push using Parse Dashboard. Try to write and send an original message and check if it works!!.

Image recognition integration

Image recognition is added as an add-on to Orchextra, by default SDK is not containing any Image recognition implementation, the only thing that is including is an interface that allows any of his implementations to communicate with Orchextra SDK.

So, you can add the corresponding implementation as a gradle dependency to your project, at this moment the only available implementation is using Vuforia as image recognition engine. Here you have the gradle dependency:

compile 'com.github.GigigoGreenLabs.imgRecognition:vuforiaimplementation:1.0.1'

Once you have added this dependency you will be able to inform OrchextraBuilder SDK about it has to use this implementation. You can do it this way:

OrchextraBuilder builder = new OrchextraBuilder(this)
                .setImageRecognitionModule(new ImageRecognitionVuforiaImpl());


This allows Orchextra to do all stuff related with image recognition. Don't forget to configure all necessary Vuforia details on Orchextra Dashboard, otherwise image recognition won't work.

To start an image recognition activity you only need to call:


For this image recognition implementation uses Vuforia, and the NDK for Vuforia only works with Arm v7 processor architecture, for that you must add to you sdkVersionAppInfo build gradle:

 ndk {
           abiFilters "armeabi-v7a"

With that Vuforia works in any kind of device For more infor about Vuforia visit https://developer.vuforiaCredentials.com/support

That's all!!

Customizing Image recognition Activity

As you can see image recognition Activity is using Orchextra like ascpect, but don't worry, you can customize almost everything, take care of the following details:

Image Resources:

  • ox_close_button: close button, "x" by default, it allows to use an Android XML selector resource


  • ir_color_primary : main color for Activity ToolBar. Default is color_primary
  • ir_color_primary_dark : color for StatusBar. Default is color_primary_dark
  • ir_color_accent : main color for Activity ToolBar text. Default is color_accent
  • vuforia_loading_indicator_color : color for loading ProgressBar. Default is color_accent
  • vuforia_loading_bg_color : color for loading screen background. Default is color_primary
  • ir_scan_point_color : color scanner points. Default is color_primary
  • ir_scan_line_color : color scanner line. Default is color_accent


  • ox_loading_indicator_message: Message that indicates that image recognition module is being loaded
  • ox_ir_scan_activity_name: Name of image recognition Activity, appearing in Toolbar

Log level

Now you can configure log level using the level you consider to get debug info from Orchextra SDK. In order to set the level, you MUST set that in the OrchextraBuilder OrchextraBuilder.setLogLevel(LOGLEVEL) where LOGLEVEL is an enum providing following info:

  • OrchextraLogLevel.ALL: All info, even altbeacon lib logs
  • OrchextraLogLevel.NETWORK: all debug from Orchextra plus network info
  • OrchextraLogLevel.DEBUG: all debug info from SDK.
  • OrchextraLogLevel.WARN: Only SDK errors and warnings
  • OrchextraLogLevel.ERROR: Only errors
  • OrchextraLogLevel.NONE: Not logging at all

Default level is OrchextraLogLevel.NONE for releases.

OrchextraBuilder builder = new OrchextraBuilder(this)

Realm Support

First at all you must include the newest version of Realm. Orchextra includes Realm as a library and exposes Orchextra's Realm module. You have to include this module in the Realm configuration when you define a Realm instance as follow:

    RealmConfiguration configRequest =
        new RealmConfiguration.Builder(context)
            .modules(Realm.getDefaultModule(), new OrchextraRealmModule())

        Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(configRequest);

For more information to include Realm, visit the Realm's documentation.


We would like to mention every company and particular developers that have been contributing this repo in some way:

  • Thank's to Square, we are using several libs they developed (Retrofit 2, OkHttp, Dagger).
  • Thank's to Google, and Android Dev team, obviously, Android SDK, Support Libs, Google play Services, Dagger 2.
  • Thank's to Radius Network , for his amazing beacon lib altBeacon for Android.
  • Thank's to sourceForge, because we are using zbar as Scanner
  • Thank's to Christian Panadero Martínez because his blog has many interesting ideas that we took as base for this project.
  • Thank's to Karumi for his great contributions to developers community in general. We are using Dexter from Karumi as well.
  • Thank's to Yohan Hartanto that help us with several isues with internal lib configurations.


Copyright 2016 Orchextra

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.