
Primary LanguageJulia


Package to handle meshes.

STL can be loaded and saved both in binary (loadmesh_bin/savemesh_bin) and ASCII (loadmesh_ASCII/savemesh_ASCII) formats.

Meshes are transformed into one of multiple types: LightMesh, SimpleMesh, MeshAdj and MeshEdgeIter, which differ in internal representation, efficiency, and operations allowed. For example, LightMesh is the most compact memory-wise, and MeshEdgeIter allows for iterating over the edges. These can be freely converted into each other with Base.convert, and saved as a binary retaining the representation for more efficient future importing with functions loadmesh and savemesh.

All mesh types are subtypes of AbstractMesh, which itself is an AbstractVector whose elements are the mesh faces. Faces are represented by the type Face and are tuples of vertices, which are StaticVector of length 3, each coordinate of type Float32.

Edges are of type Edge and obtained from the function edges(::AbstractMesh). They can be indexed to get the edge endpoints, and they support some natural functions like norm(::Edge).

Function vertices returns a vector of the vertices of the mesh, face, or edge.


Function integrate_triangle allows for integrating an arbitrary function defined on a face or a full mesh. This is done using a default quadrature rule that can be customized with the keyword argument quad. Quadrature rules are represented by the type QuadratureRule which contain points and their respective weights under a canonical triangle. Macros @quad_gquts(n::Int) and @quad_gqutm(n::Int) are provided for easy and efficient (compile-time) generation of quadrature rules of $n^2$ and $n * (n + 1) / 2$ points respectively.


Other functions provided include

  • area computes the area of a face or a mesh.
  • edgelenstats provides an overview of statistics of the edges of the mesh.
  • boundingbox
  • faceIter/vertexIter gives an iterator over the faces/vertices
  • refineFlat refines the mesh into smaller triangles while retaining the geometry.

There's also a primitive incomplete implementation of curved meshes.