
The official code of the paper Crossway Diffusion: Improving Diffusion-based Visuomotor Policy via Self-supervised Learning

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Crossway Diffusion

This is the official implementation of the paper Crossway Policy: Improving Diffusion-based Visuomotor Policy via Self-supervised Learning.

The code is modified from Diffusion Policy.

Demo Video

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Our Method

Main diagram

We propose Crossway Diffusion, a simple yet effective method to enhance diffusion-based visuomotor policy learning via a carefully designed state decoder and a self-supervised learning (SSL) objective.

Our major contribution is included in:

  1. diffusion_policy/workspace/train_crossway_diffusion_unet_hybrid_workspace.py (newly added)
  2. diffusion_policy/policy/crossway_diffusion_unet_hybrid_image_policy.py (newly added)
  3. diffusion_policy/model/diffusion/conv2d_components.py (newly added)
  4. diffusion_policy/model/diffusion/conditional_unet1d.py (modified)


We use the same environment as the Diffusion Policy. Please refer to this instruction for a detailed installation guide.

After installation, we recommend replacing the original robomimic/envs/env_robosuite.py in robomimic with the version we provided in this repo for better control of the image rendering device.

Download Training Data

Please follow the guide at this link to download the simulated datasets.

Our real-world datasets follow the same structure as robomimic. Please check dataset_readme.md for training on this dataset and your own datasets. They are available at this Google Drive Link.

Start Training

To train the model on simulated datasets with a specific random seed:

EGL_DEVICE_ID=0 python train.py --config-dir=config/${task}/ --config-name=type[a-c].yaml training.seed=4[2-4]

where ${EGL_DEVICE_ID} defines which GPU is used for rendering simulators, ${task} can be can_ph, can_mh, lift_ph, lift_mh, square_ph, square_mh, transport_ph, transport_mh, tool_hang_ph and pusht.

The result will be stored at outputs/ and wandb/. In our experiments, we use 42, 43 and 44 as the random seeds.


Similarly, you can launch the evaluation code: EGL_DEVICE_ID=0 python eval.py --checkpoint <path to checkpoint>.ckpt --output_dir <path for output> --device cuda:0 The code will evaluate for 50 episodes by default and you will find the evaluation results at <path for output>/eval_log.json.

Pretrained Models

Our pretrained models (for 500 epochs) are available at https://vision.cs.stonybrook.edu/~mryoo/crossway/ckpts/crossway_diffusion-<task>-s<seed>.ckpt as well as the SHA1 checksums at https://vision.cs.stonybrook.edu/~mryoo/crossway/ckpts/crossway_diffusion-<task>-s<seed>.ckpt.sha1.

The evaluation results are available at https://vision.cs.stonybrook.edu/~mryoo/crossway/ckpts/crossway_diffusion-<task>-s<seed>.ckpt.json.

Please replace <task> with a specific task name and replace <seed> with 42, 43, or 44 to get a valid link.

For example, the pretrained model for task Push-T trained on seed 42 is at the link below: https://vision.cs.stonybrook.edu/~mryoo/crossway/ckpts/crossway_diffusion-pusht-s42.ckpt


This repository is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.