
👍 Resolved! ---This is a repository for reporting bugs in antd.---

Primary LanguageCSS

This is a repository for reporting bugs in antd.

👍 Solution

I solved the problem by importing the following.

"use client";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import styles from "./page.module.css";
import { LineConfig } from "@ant-design/plots/es/components/line";
const Line: React.ComponentType<LineConfig & React.RefAttributes<unknown>> =
dynamic(() => import("@ant-design/plots").then((mod) => mod.Line) as any, {
ssr: false,


Using @ant-design/charts, I get an error "Module not found: ESM packages (d3-interpolate) need to be imported. Use 'import' to reference the package instead".

I also tried the dynamic import method mentioned in the issue, but got the same error.

Environment building

Install Dependencies

docker-compose run -w /home/app/frontend/ --rm next13-antd-error yarn install

Container Launch

docker-compose up --build

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


🔽 You will probably get the following error.

- error ./node_modules/@antv/g-base/lib/animate/timeline.js:5:23
Module not found: ESM packages (d3-interpolate) need to be imported. Use 'import' to reference the package instead. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/import-esm-externals


Import trace for requested module:
- warn Fast Refresh had to perform a full reload due to a runtime error.



This is a resolved branch.

"use client";
import { LineConfig } from "@ant-design/plots/es/components/line";
const Line: React.ComponentType<LineConfig & React.RefAttributes<unknown>> =
  dynamic(() => import("@ant-design/plots").then((mod) => mod.Line) as any, {
    ssr: false,


🔽 It imports as follows.

import { Line } from "@ant-design/charts";


🔽 It imports as follows.

import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const Line = dynamic(
  () => import("@ant-design/charts").then((mod) => mod.Line),
  { ssr: false }