
A note about sass and compass which is writed by Rukeith Sass 3.4.22

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


This are notes about Sass and Compass which are writed by Rukeith
Reference Sass official website,
-- "Sass Essentials" by Alex Libby
-- "Sass and Compass in action" by Wynn Netherland,
-- "Sass and Compass for Designers" by Ben Frain

##Install Sass If you want to use Sass, you can go to this website to install Sass on your computer Install Sass

##Partice You can use this website to see your Sass code complier to CSS.
Sass convert to CSS Sassmeister
CSS convert to Sass css2sass

##Chapter 1

  1. Basic Syntax

    • Variables:$
      • !global
      • !default
    • Comments:/* */ and //
    • Interpolation:#{}
  2. Nesting

    • Referencing Parent Selectors:&
    • Nested Properties
  3. Operations

    • Number Operations
      • Division/
    • Color Operations
    • String Operations
    • Boolean Operations

##Chapter 2 - Advanced Usage

  1. @-Rules and Directives

    • @import
      • Partials
      • Nested @import
    • @media
    • @at-root
      • without and with
    • @debug
    • @warn
    • @error
  2. Control Directives & Expressions

    • if()
    • @if
    • @for
    • @each
      • Multiple Assignment
    • @while
  3. Extend / Inheritance

    • Extending Complex Selectors
    • Multiple Extends
    • Chaining Extends
    • Selector Sequences
      • Merging Selector Sequences
    • @extend-only Selectors
    • !optional tag
    • @extend in Directives
  4. Mixin

    • @mixin
    • @include
    • Arguments
      • Keyword Arguments
      • Variable Arguments
    • Passing Content Block to a Mixin
      • Variable Scope and Content Blocks
  5. Function Directives

  6. 範例

  7. Output Style

    • :nested
    • :expanded
    • :compact
    • :compressed