
Custom NestJS Schematics 🎬

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Custom NestJS Schematics

This project is a fork of NestJS Schematics, the schematic collection for the NestJS framework. This fork includes additional custom schematics aimed at extending the functionality to better fit our specific development needs.

Additional Schematics

In this fork, we have added two custom schematics:

  • custom-resource: This schematic generates a new resource with extended configurations and options tailored to our project's architecture and best practices.
  • s3-custom: This schematic provides templates for integrating Amazon S3 services more seamlessly into our NestJS applications, including customized service modules and controllers.


To use these custom schematics, you need to install this package instead of the standard @nestjs/schematics. You can install it using npm:

$ npm i -g @axel-lbrt/schematics


To use the custom-schematics, you have to put a nest-cli.json file in the root of your project with the following content:

  "collection": "@axel-lbrt/schematics",
  "sourceRoot": "apps/backend/src",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "deleteOutDir": true


You can now use the custom schematics in the same way as the standard NestJS schematics. For example, to generate a new resource, you can run:

$ nest g res-custom api/users --no-spec