Test automation engineers use BDD and Gherkin. We write features using narutal language. Example of a scenario
Feature: Site title
Given I am logged in
Scenario: Set the site title and site title link
When I am on the dashboard
And I should see the site title "My Great Site"
Each scenario consists from the steps. Behind the hood each step is the ruby function or as we call them step definitions. Example of a step from scenario above:
Then /^I should see the site title "([^"]*)"$/ do |title|
expect(page).to have_css "h1#site_title", text: title
Goal of this gem is providing general view to step definitions in ruby projects. Using this tool you can create an independent HTML file with all step definitions from the project.
Example of a generated HTML file
- Building packed HTML file
- Searching
- Localization support
- Support for feature files
- History of changes
Install gem:
gem install cucumber-reports
Launch gem:
cucumber-reports generate --path dir_with_steps
Open generated page:
open index.html