Rule Translation Web Service (RTWS)

RTWS build the bridge between the Rule Translation Service and a REST Service. Additionally to RTS is RTWS capable to execute a Prova file and returns the queries results as JSON Object.

Run RTWS as Heroku App

Deploy to Heroku

Running Locally

Make sure you have Java and Maven installed. Also, install the Heroku Toolbelt.

$ git clone rtws
$ cd rtws
$ mvn install
$ heroku local:start
//or for windows: 
$ heroku local:start -f

The app should now be running on localhost:5050.


Method + URL Body data of request Body data of response
GET /api/from-ruleml/ - List of all available languages from RuleML
GET /api/to-ruleml/ - List of all available languages to RuleML
POST /api/translate/:in/:out/ The body of the request message contains a file from type :in language The body of the response message contains a result file from :out language
POST /api/execute/ {parameters: [{key: value}], language: "dmn", source: dmnDecisionTableXml} ProvaSolution as JSON Object
POST /api/execute/file see cell above Prova source code as plain text


The App contains a demo site. The demo site is about DMN decision table and S-FEEL (expression language from DMN). Demo shows how a decision table and S-FEEL expression will be translated to RuleML or Prova. Last but not least the app execute a sample decision. Run the app for further information.