
Add slack-style emoji to gatsby's markdown 👍

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Adds slack-style emoji to gatsby's markdown 👍!

See usage, configuration and changelog below. By configuring, you can make this plugin to convert:

  • Slack-style emoji to gatsby's markdown: :smile: -> 😀
  • Unicode emoji to short-code: 😀 -> :smile:
  • Slack-style and/or Unicode emoji to images

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  1. Install plugin to your site:
yarn add gatsby-remark-emoji
  1. Add following to your gatsby-config.js:
    plugins: [      
        resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
        options: {
          plugins: [
            `gatsby-remark-emoji`,  // <-- this line adds emoji
  1. Restart gastby.


Plugin actually supports all js conversion modes from Emojione, default mode is shortNameToUnicode (described here).

This is config with options:

    plugins: [
        resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
        options: {
          plugins: [
            resolve: 'gatsby-remark-emoji', // <-- this adds emoji
            options: {
              // default emojiConversion --> shortnameToUnicode
              emojiConversion: 'shortnameToUnicode',
              // when true, matches ASCII characters (in unicodeToImage and shortnameToImage)
              // e.g. ;) --> 😉
              ascii: false,



  • Migrate from emojione to joypixels.Following the migrating doc


  • Merged #1 that adds more conversion options
  • Improved docs about conversion options and added changelog
  • Added keywords to package.json per gatsbyjs/gatsby#4394
  • Added repository to package.json


Initial version. Works only with slack-style to Unicode