
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ This project is DEPRECATED.

there is no need for this package any more. Besides, doing SSR on cloud function is not a good idea.

A tool to make DX of react apps easier for firebase cloud functions users.

At the moment this tool can:

  • To transpile es-next code into compatible one with firebase cloud functions.
  • Does server-side rendering (SSR) with hot module replacement (HMR) in development.
  • Does basic webpacking for hosting on firebase hosting.
  • Can take into account multiple entry points.
  • Provides jest transformer to write tests with es-next syntax


Out of the box it requires zero configuration (jest is an exeption), but you can tweak few things for your needs.


Add fra object to your package.json or create file .frarc.json in root of your project.

Please note, that, at the moment the config from package.json will take precedence over .frarc.json and they won't be merged, so use one of them. If you feel that you need such functionality, please, open an issue with this feature request.

Config options:


Type: object

Format: 100% same format as .babelrc

Description: a custom babel configuration


"babel": {
  "presets": [
    ["@babel/preset-stage-0", {
      "useBuiltIns": true,


Type: object

Description: If you need to proxy calls to API. Read more here

Example and default value:

"proxy": {
  "/api": "http://localhost:5000"


Type: string

Default value: "./src/server/renderMiddleware.js"

Description: If you want to provide a custom SSR bahaviour to your DX, you need to implement an express middleware that will enhance responce.locals with fra object that should contain 4 properties with type of string:

  • title: a page title.
  • headContent: everything you want to see in <head> tag.
  • appMarkup: a static result of renderToString of your React and complimentary libs.
  • bottomContent: everything you want to go into very bottom of the page - right before </body> closing tag.

All of them will be inserted into page template and served to your localhost.

You can also see an example of multi-entry middleware in source files

Minimal example of the middleware:

import React from 'react'
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'

import App from '../components'

export default (req, res, next) => {
  const bottomContent = `
    <script type"text/javascript">window.MY_GLOBAL_VAR="anything"</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./main.bundle.js"></script>
  const fra = {
    headContent: '<meta name="author" value="John Doe"/>',
    appMarkup: renderToString(<App />),
    title: 'a title for my page',
  res.locals.fra = fra



type: string

default value: "./src/server/template.js"

Description: if you want to use your own template during development you can provide a string which points to a file with your template. It must be a function which returns a string with four arguments in this order: headContent, rootContent, bottomContent, title.

You can also use an minimalistic template provided by this utility like this: import template from '@rulsky/firebase-react-app/devServer/template'


const template = (headContent, rootContent, bottomContent, title = 'FRA DevServer') => `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
  <!–– provide here a custom info about static files like icons, fonts and other stuff ––>
  <!–– by the way, this template for development is completely optional ––>
  <div id="root">${rootContent}</div>\n
export default template


type: string

default value: "static"

Description: a directoty where static files (like fonts, images, etc.) are stored. From this directory files will be served during development and will be copied to your hosting directory. Files are served from root of your host.


 * Imagane that you have an image in your project with path `static/images/hero.jpg`
 * Now you can consume this file in your code like this

<img src="./images/hero.jpg" alt="description"/>


type: string | object | array

default value: "./src/client/index.js"

Description: an entry point for webpack bundling, syntax is the same as webpack's, see more in webpack's docs


"clientEntry": {
  "client": "./src/client/index.js",
  "otherPage": "./src/client/otherPage.js",
  "admin": "./src/client/admin.js"

CLI options

-c, --clean - completly remove your functions dir and generate everything anew icluding package-lock.json and node_modules inside of it. --yarn - use yarn instead of npm to install deps

Running tests with jest

If you want to run tests with jest you need to specify a config option for transforming your sources into campatible format.

In your jest config (i.e. jest property of your root package.json or separete file for jest config) do this:

// in your package.json
"jest": {
  "transform": {
    "\\.js$": "@rulsky/firebase-react-app/jestTransformer.js"

more about jest configuration is here: jest docs

Known problems

  • due to the nature of chokidar changing case of letters (between lower and upper) of filenames won't be reflected in filename changing of transpiled files until dev restart. Does not affect the build process. Cured by either renaming file with changing a number of symbols or simply restarting.