
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Code for the paper "AnchorAL: Computationally Efficient Active Learning for Large and Imbalanced Datasets" published at NAACL 2024

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/pietrolesci/anchoral.git


Install conda

source source

curl -sL \
  "https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh" > \
bash Miniconda3.sh -b -p
rm Miniconda3.sh
source $HOME/miniconda3/bin/activate
conda init zsh

Install poetry

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

Install dependencies

Use poetry to install the environment (if you don't have poetry run )

conda create -n anchoral python=3.9 -y
conda activate anchoral
poetry install --sync --with dev

Data Preparation

Step 1: Download and process

To download the processed data from the hub run


To re-process the data locally (this indexes the data with 3 sentence-transformers -- takes a long time)


Step 2: Create local HNSW index

To speed up the experimentation, we create the HNSW index once and save it to disk. For each embedding in the dataset this will save a different .bin file. By default it will create indices using the cosine distance, change this file if you want to experiment with different metrics.


Step 3: Prepare data for training

Finally, we tokenize and save the dataset so it is ready to go

./bin/prepare_data.sh bert-base-uncased

At the end of data preparations you should have the following folder structure

├── prepared
│   ├── agnews-business-.01_bert-base-uncased
│   ├── amazoncat-agri_bert-base-uncased
│   ├── amazoncat-multi_bert-base-uncased
│   └── wikitoxic-.01_bert-base-uncased
└── processed
    ├── agnews
    ├── amazoncat-13k
    └── wikitoxic

Step 3: Run experiments

You can replicate our experiments by looking at the files ./bin/run_main_experiments, ./bin/run_ablations, and ./bin/run_other_models (more instruction in those files). Once you run these experiments, you should obtain the following folder structure

├── ablations
│   ├── anchor_strategy
│   │   ├── bert-base-uncased_anchoral_badge_2023-12-08T18-23-01_36952945_1
│   │   ├── bert-base-uncased_anchoral_badge_2023-12-08T18-23-01_36952945_2
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── num_anchors
│   └── num_neighbours
├── main
│   ├── agnews-business-.01
│   ├── amazon-agri
│   ├── amazon-multi
│   └── wikitoxic-.01
└── other_models
    ├── albert-base-v2
    ├── bert-tiny
    ├── deberta-v3-base
    ├── gpt2
    └── t5-base

Each run has the following folder structure

├── active_train.log
├── .early_stopping.jsonl
├── hparams.yaml
├── logs
│   ├── labelled_dataset.parquet
│   ├── ... (optionally, based on the strategy)
├── tb_logs
│   └── version_0
│       └── events.out.tfevents.xxx
└── tensorboard_logs.parquet

If you limit the time of each run, it can happen that some files are not deleted and tensorboard logs are not exported to parquet. In those cases, use the ./notebooks/01_check_runs.ipynb to manually export it and possibly delete other (big) files and folders (e.g., .checkpoints and model_cache) that are not needed.

If you want to run new experiments, consider that we use hydra for configuration. Thus, to run more experiments in parallel, you can assign comma-separate options, e.g. SEEDS=654321,123456.

# select from: 654321, 123456

# select from: agnews_business, amazon_agri,amazon_multi, wikitoxic

# select from: bert-base-uncased, bert-tiny, deberta-v3-base, albert-base-v2, gpt2, t5-base

# select from: {anchoral, randomsubset, seals}_{entropy, badge, ftbertkm} or random

# assign a name to the experiment

# run experiment
poetry run python ./scripts/active_train.py -m \
    experiment_group=$EXPERIMENT_GROUP \
    model.name=$MODEL \
    dataset=$DATASET \
    strategy=$STRATEGY \
    data.seed=$SEEDS \
    model.seed=$SEEDS \

You might need to modify the configurations and include the absolute path to your data (if you use slurm, check also the conf/launcher/slurm.yaml/ file). The key to edit is data_path: <add path>.

Step 4: Analysis

Once you have run the experiments and created the correct folder structure, as decribed in the previous section, you can run the analysis.

First, run the notebooks/01_check_runs.ipynb to make sure that each run has the necessary files to run the analysis. Importantly, you need the tensorboard_logs.parquet files. If your run exited before exporting the tensorboard logs to parquet, you can use the notebook to do that.

Second, once you have all the tensorboard_logs.parquet files for each run, you can export the necessary metrics from them. To do this, use the notebooks/03_export_experiments.ipynb. It will create files into the results/ folder. This artefacts, will be used in the analysis.

Finally, once you have all the artefacts in the results/ folder, you can run the analysis. You can do this by running the notebooks/04_analysis.ipynb notebooks which creates the tables and plots used in the paper.