
lib mpv, and their simple.cpp example, built and linked cmake

Primary LanguageC

MPV Cmake example

An example of using libmpv on Windows (using visual studio) with a simple CMAKE setup.

The mpv binaries were grabbed from here, using the Windows builds by shinchiro. The version in use is from mpv-dev-x86_64-20221120-git-f10b24e.7z.

The libraries have been renamed for no obvious advantage...

LIB file

The lib file was created using the visual studio command prompt:

lib /def:libmpv-2.def /machine:x64 /out:libmpv-2.lib

DEF file

The original def file seemed to present problems for LIB generation, so a new one was created using Mingw64's gendef utility:

gendef.exe libmpv-2.dll

This generates a DEF file, and the following tool creates a GCC import library (.a file)

dlltool.exe -d libmpv-2.def -D libmpv-2.dll -l libmpv-2.a