
Repo for organising MDN Web Docs team projects & subsequent work

MDN Web Docs Content Team Projects

This is a holding repo for organising MDN Web Docs team projects & subsequent work.

This outlines the plan for upcoming & proposed projects for the content team here at MDN. The actual kanban project can be found here. The repo will serve as a place to hold outlines and tasks (as issues) that don't pertain to one of the other MDN org repositories directly.

We work primarily on GitHub for transparency, and because of the GitHub project feature an associated repository is needed. Eventually this repo will include content suggestions and proposals. For the time being there are held as notes within the main project, or issues within the mdn/content. Please feel free to make suggestions here however, as this will be moved over this year.

If you have a content or project proposal for the MDN content team, please raise an issue within this repository so we can include it on our roadmap.

Q2 Projects Overview

Our main projects for Q2 are as follows:

Contribution docs:

We'll be moving the contribution guidelines from the MDN website where they currently are, reviewing/updating them and adding them to our Contribution Handbook website. There are two main areas of this work:

  1. How to write for MDN
  2. How to contribute to MDN

Firefox releases 100 - 102:

We have three Firefox releases for the next quarter and this project will make sure MDN documentation is up to date with the features released

Short surveys:

We'll be running a trial for short surveys on MDN to collect learnings. Once we've proved or dis-proved some assumptions and collected data on what works and what doesn't, we'll look to opening this up for partner input moving forward.

Tidy up demo repos:

We'll be moving some of our smaller demo repositories into our bigger ones (for example violent-theromin into web-audio-examples) as the start of work to reduce the amount of repositories associated with MDN. A clear outcome of this will be to simplify guidelines for contributors and eventually be able to make some bigger decisions around demo code.


  • Hiring: We are hiring a full time technical writer, one with a substantial web development backgound.
  • Content Strategy: We'll be reviewing both MDN and the web platform to define the content work moving forward into the next quarter and beyond. (Note to self include Interop)
  • MDN Content Tools: We have some internal tools which help to streamline the Firefox releases, see what's upcoming for the web platform and analytics to help us make descisions with regards to our users. We'll be updating and improving these.

Projects on the roadmap past Q2

Projects we are considering for the rest of the year and possibly beyond. Eventually this will be updated as project outlines within this repository.

  • General Content: Post the Content Strategy review above, we'll be outlining content which is needed and content which needs updating. This will be split into individual projects for each part of content work which needs to be done. The planning for this work will happen in Q2 so check back here as this gets expanded and updated.
  • Update page titles: We'll be updating Web API page titles to a more user friendly format, which includes static vs instance methods.
  • Remove external examples: We have some examples which are external to the MDN infrastructure. We will look to reducing those and including them, taking ownership, and making it easier to keep them up to date.

This is a new way of working for us, so the format of this repository will change. After each quarter we will update this repository with reviews of work we have done, along side updating with new projects. We will also make changes as per the ongoing work.