
A simple Unity library for cheating prevention

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Safe Values

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Demo
  5. License
  6. Contact

About The Project

This is a small project I have been working on for anti cheating in Unity Engine. It allows you to protect your game from cheating tools but it doesn't protect its files from being ripped off.

Key Features
  • Hides variables in memory.
  • Encrypts and extends PlayerPrefs.
  • Detects speedhacks.

Getting Started


  • Download the Latest release then extract SfVal.zip and place the SfVal.dll and SfVal.xml files in Assets/Plugins of your project.
  • It is recommended to build your game with IL2CPP.


Safe Values

These structs hide values from cheating tools by making an offset to them

  • Example of hiding a float/integer from cheating tools.

    using Med.SafeValue;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class Test : MonoBehaviour
        SafeFloat speed = new SafeFloat(500f);
        SafeInt health = new SafeInt(100);
        SafeLong plId = new SafeLong(57821103964721L);
        public RigidBody rb;
        public void DealDamage(int amount)
            health.Value -= amount;
        public long GetID()
            return pl.Value;
        void Update()
            rb.velocity = Vector3.forward * speed.Value * Time.deltaTime;

Player Saves

This class saves and loads various data types and classes using AES encryption to playerprefs.

  • Example of Encrypting/Decrypting and saving/loading a custom serializable class to/from PlayerPrefs using AES encryption

    using Med.SafeValue;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class Test : MonoBehaviour
        public Card card;
        void Awake()
            //It is recommanded to set an encryption key, otherwise it is going to use a default key
            //Warning: always use the same key when encrypting or decrypting
            PlayerSaves.Key = "/A?D(G+KbPeShVmYq3t6w9z$C&E)H@Mc";
        public void SaveCard()
            //will encrypt and save the class in playerprefs
            PlayerSaves.EncryptClass(card, "card1");
        public Card LoadCard()
            //will load the class from playerprefs and decrypt it
            return PlayerSaves.DecryptClass<Card>("card1");
        class Card
            public string title;
            public int number;
            public bool isLegendary;
  • Example of Encrypting/Decrypting and saving/loading values to/from PlayerPrefs using AES encryption

    using Med.SafeValue;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System;
    public class Test : MonoBehaviour
        SafeFloat speed = new SafeFloat(500f);
        SafeInt health = new SafeInt(100);
        string title = "Plane 1";
        char plClass = 'C';
        long id = 15120548466974L;
        DateTime lastSaved = DateTime.Now;
        bool isActive = true;
        void Awake()
            //It is recommanded to set an encryption key, otherwise it is going to use a default key
            //Warning: always use the same key when encrypting or decrypting
            PlayerSaves.Key = "/A?D(G+KbPeShVmYq3t6w9z$C&E)H@Mc";
        public void SaveValues()
            //will encrypt these values and save them in playerprefs
        public void LoadValues()
            //will load these values from playerprefs and decrypt them
            speed.Value = PlayerSaves.DecryptFloat("plSpeed");
            health.Value = PlayerSaves.DecryptInt("plHealth");
            title = PlayerSaves.DecryptString("plTitle");
            plClass = PlayerSaves.DecryptChar("plClass");
            id = PlayerSaves.DecryptLong("plId");
            lastSaved = PlayerSaves.DecryptDateTime("plLastSaved");
            isActive = PlayerSaves.DecryptBool("plAct");


This class detects speed hack attempts

  • Example of setting up an anti speed hack to detect speed hacks

    using Med.SafeValue;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class Test : MonoBehaviour
        void Awake()
            //starts the anti speed hack detection process and calls CloseGame() when a speed hack is detected
            StartCoroutine(AntiSpeedHack.Start(CloseGame, 2f, true));
        //This will be called if the AntiSpeedHack class detected a speed hack
        void CloseGame()


Try a WebGL Demo


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Med Ben Chrifa - mohamed6aminbenchrifa@gmail.com

Project Link: Safe Values