
Watchdog for fluxnode

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How install watchdog:
bash -i <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RunOnFlux/fluxnode-multitool/master/multitoolbox.sh)


  • Use option "2" for new installation diuring install process anser yes when will ask about watchdog install
  • For existing node installation use option "4"

Watchdog config file (config.js):

Update settings:
zelflux_update - auto update FluxOS
zelcash_update - auto update Flux Daemon
zelbench_update - auto update Flux Benchmark
action - Fixing action (restart mongod, restart daemon, restart benchmark)

0 - option disabled, 1 - option enabled

Discord settings:
web_hook_url - discord hook URL from integration of your discord server
ping - User discord ID 

0 - disabled
set value enabled

Telegram settings:
telegram_alert - telegram mode flage ( 1 - enabled , 0 - disabled )
telegram_bot_token - bot token from BotFather ( dm BotFather /newbot for token more option /start )
telegram_chat_id - chat id from GetIDs Bot ( dm GetIDs Bot /start to get your chat id )

Sample config:

module.exports = {
    tier_eps_min: '300',
    zelflux_update: '0',
    zelcash_update: '1',
    zelbench_update: '0',
    action: '1',
    ping: '418769606194931713',
    web_hook_url: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/844918252704614100/6hB8eHyqGOUMqc7EBe7u4l-sE2ViJKV2_2IzUQw3u0QziVqx3gmBvqWMSpVr8_PIQ0E5',
    telegram_alert: '1',
    telegram_bot_token: '1976199557:AAEgG5sjq2Zy4aAWK-Kw-gWm4yG4vBHb-2a',
    telegram_chat_id: '385527082'

Watchdog options:

  • Auto restart daemon when crash
  • Auto restart benchmark when "failed" or "taoster"
  • Auto restart when eps drop belown minim. limit for tier
  • Auto restart MongoDB when crash
  • Auto-update supported
  • KDA node monitoring and fixer
  • Logs in real time => type "pm2 monit" and select "watchdog"
  • Log file with error events (~/watchdog/watchdog_error.log)
  • Discord integration


  • Telegram integration


How correct start, stop, restart watchdog

  • Start -> pm2 start watchdog --watch
  • Stop -> pm2 stop watchdog
  • Restart -> pm2 reload watchdog --watch

Any donations are welcomed and appreciated. Thanks.

FLUX: t1f66kBo9xzpgPJV6wvzT7MY6unpm42kvST  
BTC: 1NDVjrP1zg35nfSD1WBKyYSBf8dgJ8AKay  
ETH: 0xf515e0e2ba9347c208418c88a7d75bee3288a010