
Alternative C# Implementation tool to retrieve Active Directory Integrated DNS records with IP addresses

Primary LanguageC#BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


ADIDNSRecords is an alternative C# Implementation tool to retrieve Active Directory Integrated DNS records with IP addresses, it is based on @_dirkjan's research "Getting in the Zone: dumping Active Directory DNS using adidnsdump".

It is also inspired by SharpAdidnsdump project implemented by @b4rtik.

For more technical information, please read his amazing post here:


Searching in the ADIDNS

It will retrieve DNS records from the Application Partition (*DomainDnsZones and ForestDnsZones).

DNS Records

List DNS records retrieved from the Active Directory Integrated DNS and get corresponding IP addresses:


List all (including Tombstoned) DNS records with IP addresses:

.\ADIDNSRecords all
