# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/AdityaHebballe/Pentest-Scripts.git
cd Pentest-Scripts
# Move the scripts to the local bin directory
cp proxify.sh ~/kali/.local/bin/proxify
cp Transfile.sh ~/kali/.local/bin/Transfile.sh
# Make both scripts executable
chmod +x ~/kali/.local/bin/proxify ~/kali/.local/bin/Transfile.sh
Script designed to display all commands required to tunnel using chisel and ligolo and start a python server automatically in ligolo or chisel folder.
First modify the LIGOLO_DIR and CHISEL_DIR to the directory where you have the binaries. I have the defaults set to ~/Documents/ligolo and ~/Documents/chisel respectively. The folder structure looks like this:
├── Documents
├── chisel
├── chisel
└── chisel.exe
├── ligolo
├── agent
├── agent.exe
├── ligolo-selfcerts
│ ├── ligolo_cert
│ └── ligolo_key
└── proxy
./proxify.sh platform method
- l - linux
- w - windows
- c - chisel
- l - ligolo
proxify.sh l c #for linux chisel proxy
proxify.sh w l #for windows ligolo proxy
Script designed to display commands required for linux and windows file transfer.
Transfile.sh <filename> <platform>
platform is optional
Replace with the name of the file you want to transfer and with either "w" or "l" depending on the target platform.
Transfile.sh examplefile.txt w #To transfer examplefile.txt to windows target
Transfile.sh examplefile.txt l #To transfer examplefile.txt to linux target
Transfile.sh examplefile.txt l 8080 #To transfer examplefile.txt to linux target via port 8080
Custom oh-my-posh config file
Install oh-my-posh:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" #Install homebrew
brew install jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh/oh-my-posh
Append this to the end of the ~/.zshrc
Automatically displays tun0 ip in the terminal. Useful for msfvenom payloads,etc (I use gnome so I don't have the top bar IP thing that's in xfce)
if [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" != "Apple_Terminal" ]; then
eval "$(oh-my-posh init zsh --config ~/Documents/Oh-my-posh/sim-web.omp.json)"
./ready.sh name
name - Name of the target machine Then provide the ip of the target machine
- The script will make a folder with the target machine name which contains a cherrytree template of the same name.
- An autorecon scan is started with the ip provided.
- The directory structure:
── example
├── example.ctb
└── results
├── exploit
├── loot
├── report
│ ├── local.txt
│ ├── proof.txt
│ └── screenshots
└── scans
├── _commands.log
├── _full_tcp_nmap.txt
├── _quick_tcp_nmap.txt
├── _top_100_udp_nmap.txt
└── xml
├── _full_tcp_nmap.xml
├── _quick_tcp_nmap.xml
└── _top_100_udp_nmap.xml
Modified version of incursore
_____ _ __
| ____|_ __ _ _ _ __ ___ (_)/ _|_ _
| _| | '_ \| | | | '_ ' _ \| | |_| | | |
| |___| | | | |_| | | | | | | | _| |_| |
|_____|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| \__, |
Original script by @wirzka modified by @Warrantea_v01d
Usage: enumify.sh -H/--host <TARGET-IP> -t/--type <TYPE>
Optional: [-d/--dns <DNS SERVER>] [-o/--output <OUTPUT DIRECTORY>]
Scan Types:
Port : Shows all open ports
Script : Runs a script scan on found ports
UDP : Runs a UDP scan "requires sudo"
Vulns : Runs CVE scan and nmap Vulns scan on all found ports
Recon : Suggests recon commands, then prompts to automatically run them
All : Runs all the scans
Original script by @wirzka gently modified by @Warrantea_v01d
git clone https://github.com/AdityaHebballe/Pentest-Scripts.git
sudo ln -s $(pwd)/Pentest-Scripts/enumify.sh /usr/local/bin/