
🗺️ (de)serialize runescape classic landscape files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


(de)serialize runescape classic landscape files. parse the original land and maps archives into a tile objects, dump PNGs, make changes and encode + compress them back to an original archive.

a world map generated with rsc-landscape

comparison with jagex's world map

the official world map generated by jagex contains less detail due to GIF palette compression, as well as clipped object symbols between sectors. it's also missing some areas compared to the latest revision (gertrude's house, digsite, shilo village, etc.).


$ npm install @2003scape/rsc-landscape # -g for CLI program

cli usage

rsc-landscape <command>

  rsc-landscape generate-map <archives..>  generate world map png
  rsc-landscape dump-json <archives..>     dump JSON files of each sector
  rsc-landscape pack-json <directory>      generate land and maps archives from
                                           directory of JSON files
  rsc-landscape print-sector <archives..>  print coloured sector to terminal

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
$ rsc-landscape generate-map land* maps* -O object-locs.json \
    -p map-points.json -l map-labels.json # generate worldmap.png
$ rsc-landscape generate-map land* maps* --plane 3 -o dungeons.png
$ rsc-landscape print-sector land* maps* -x 50 -y 50 -z 0 -c 2 # lumbridge


const fs = require('fs');
const { Landscape } = require('./src');

const landscape = new Landscape();



const lumbridge = landscape.sectors[50][50][0];

const tile = lumbridge.tiles[0][0];
console.log(tile.colour, tile.getGameCoords());

const tile2 = landscape.getTileAtGameCoords(126, 1468);

fs.writeFileSync(`./sector-lumbridge.png`, lumbridge.toCanvas().toBuffer());

(async () => {
    fs.writeFileSync('./worldmap.png', (await landscape.toCanvas({
        points: require('./map-points.json'),
        objects: require('./object-locs.json'),
        labels: require('./map-labels.json')

file formats

the runescape classic world is separated into sectors, each containing 48x48 (2304) tiles. overworld and dungeon sectors contain both a .hei and .dat file, sectors upstairs only contain .dat files, and any sector with object locations will have a .loc file.

  • .hei file in land archive which stores elevation and colour of tiles
  • .dat file in maps archive which stores walls and object direction of tiles
  • .loc file in maps archive which stores object IDs (used for the login screen previews)



array of original, undarkened 256 colours client uses to colour tiles.


array of 256 map colours used for each tile, darkened by 50% and converted to rgb(r, g, b) format.


map of IDs to tile overlay information.

tile = new Tile({ sector, x, y, ... })

create new sector tile. accepts all of the properties listed below.


number from 0-255 corresponding to colour in .terrainColours.


number from 0-255 describing height of tile.


number from 0-6 describing direction objects should face on tile.


overlay type index. corresponding names are stored in .overlays.


object with following potential properties:

    diagonal: {
        direction: '/' || '\\',
        overlay: overlay
    } || null,
    vertical: overlay || 0,
    horizontal: overlay || 0,
    roof: roofOverlay || 0


store object here for login screen previews.


read buffers from tile's sector and populate its properties.


return base colour of this tile for maps.


return object describing attributes of tile's overlay (from ./res/tile-overlays.json):

    name: 'road',
    blocked: false,
    bridge: false,
    indoors: false,
    antialias: true,
    colour: 'rgb(64, 64, 64)'


return { x, y } game uses for this tile.

sector = new Sector({ x, y, plane, members?, tiles? })

create new sector instance.


store in .jag or .mem file?


amount of tiles on x axis (48).


amount of tiles on y axis (48).








Int8Array buffers populated from archive files with sector.parse* or from sector's tile objects with sector.populateBuffers(). these buffers are encoded + compressed into archives.


Int32Array buffer, similar to above but 32-bit to store values > 255 ( potentially larger than 48000 if objects are stored).


2d array of tile objects. populate this field from the archive buffers with sector.populateTiles(), or populate the future archive buffers with sector.populateBuffers().


populate sector.terrainHeight and sector.terrainColour from a .hei file.


populate sector.walls*, sector.tileDecoration and sector.tileDirection from a .dat file.


populate sector.wallsDiagonal with object IDs from a .loc file.


populate sector.tiles with a 2d array (48x48) of tile objects based on buffers we parsed from archived files.


populate future archive buffers (sector.terrain*, sector.wall*, etc.) with sector.tiles.


get the main portion of a landscape archive filename.


get a .hei file buffer for this sector.


get a .dat file buffer for this sector.


get a .loc file buffer for this sector (or null if no objects ID are stored).

sector.toCanvas(options, [ north, east, south, west ])

render an individual sector to a canvas. the second argument is optional if you want to antialias the edges properly using the neighbouring sectors (world map generation does this automatically).

in node, you can turn this into a PNG with .toBuffer().

sector.toString(terminal = false, colourLevel = -1)

if terminal is true, return a nethack-esque terminal rendering of the sector:

colourLevel describes the chalk level of colours to use. -1 automatically detects the maximum support.

...otherwise just return the name and size of the sector.

landscape = new Landscape()

create new landscape (de)serializer instance.

landscape.loadJag(landBuffer, mapBuffer)

landscape.loadMem(landBuffer, mapBuffer)

prepare .jag and .mem buffers to be parsed. any sectors loaded with landscape.loadMem will have sector.members = true.


populate landscape.sectors with loaded buffers.


return iterator of all the non-empty sectors.

landscape.getSectorNeighbours(x, y, plane)

return neighbours to a sector position as [north, east, south, west].

landscape.getTileAtGameCoords(x, y)

get the tile at coordinates used in game.

async landscape.toCanvas({ objects, points, labels })

create a world map image from all of the non-empty sectors.

  • objects is an optional array of the following:
    id: 1,
    position: [x, y]

its x and y are multipled by the tile size.

  • points is an optional array of the following:
    type: 'altar', // 'general-shop', 'dungeon' etc. see ./res/key/
    x, y

each point image is 15x15.

  • labels is an optional array of the following:
    text: 'label\nfor\nsomething',
    x, y,
    size: 10, // 8 is the smallest in use, while 14 is the largest
    align: 'center' || 'left',
    bold: true || undefined,
    colour: 'rgb(254, 165, 0)' || '#ff00ff' || undefined


Copyright 2019 2003Scape Team

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.