
Book for Business Calculus with Excel

Primary LanguageXSLT

This repository is for an attempt to convert a book for business calculus into Mathbook XML.  The book assumes that students will be using laptops connected to the internet and have Excel available.

The heritage of the project runs through the text Networked Business Calculus from Appalachia State University.  that project embodied a number of recommendations of the CRAFTY reports of the MAA.

My project was inspired by the idea that, for business students, the primary computational engine should be a spreadsheet rather than a graphing calculator.  With a change in technology there are pervasive but subtle changes in content.  (Numerical methods are much more reasonable with a spreadsheet.)  There also were adjustments based on surveys of business faculty and what they wanted in the course.

For more information contact mike dot may at slu dot edu.

The project is available under creative commons, noncommercial, attribution license.

If you use this in a course, please let me know.