
CLI for Rungutan - the first Load Testing Tool! 100% serverless, API driven & accessible for all tech professionals

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What is Rungutan?

Rungutan is the first API Load Testing SaaS platform worldwide, 100% Serverless, which helps you simulate workflows to emulate user experience, so it's easier to design workflow oriented strategies.

Where do I sign up?

Although we love our landing page and we definitely think it's worth checking out, you can sign up directly by going on https://app.rungutan.com/signup

Do you have any ACTUAL documentation?


You can find it on our Docs page.

Why use the CLI?

This CLI has been designed for:

  1. perform load testing directly within a CI/CD process
  2. run any command that you would do on the web platform directly in your terminal

How to install the CLI?

pip install rungutan

How to run the CLI?

  • Set up your authentication mechanism using the Rungutan API key
rungutan configure (--profile some-profile-name)
  • Check the overall help menu
$ rungutan help

usage: rungutan <command> [<args>]

To see help text, you can run:
    rungutan help
    rungutan version
    rungutan configure --help
    rungutan team --help
    rungutan results --help
    rungutan raw_results --help
    rungutan tests --help
    rungutan templates --help
    rungutan crons --help
    rungutan notifications --help
    rungutan vault --help
    rungutan csv --help
    rungutan file --help

Rungutan CLI utility for interacting with https://rungutan.com

positional arguments:
  command     Command to run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  • Check the help menu for a specific command
$  rungutan csv --help
usage: rungutan [-h] [--csv_id CSV_ID] [-p PROFILE] [{list,get,remove}]

CSV command system

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --csv_id CSV_ID       Required parameter for subcommand ["get", "remove"].
                        Optional parameter for subcommand ["list"].
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        The profile you'll be using.
                        If not specified, the "default" profile will be used.
                        If no profiles are defined, the following env variables will be checked:
                        * RUNGUTAN_TEAM_ID
                        * RUNGUTAN_API_KEY
  • Actually run a command
$ rungutan csv list
    "CSV": [
            "csv_id": "9c30cffe-ea4b-440e-aa73-9182ab98eb80",
            "file_name_csv": "sample",
            "member_email": "support@rungutan.com",
            "uploaded_date": "2021-10-05T11:25:11Z",
            "max_rows": "25",
            "max_columns": "7"

Run it as a docker container

  • Using local volume
$ docker run \
  -v ${HOME}/.rungutan:/root/.rungutan \
  rungutancommunity/rungutan-cli:latest rungutan csv --help
usage: rungutan [-h] [--csv_id CSV_ID] [-p PROFILE] [{list,get,remove}]

CSV command system

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --csv_id CSV_ID       Required parameter for subcommand ["get", "remove"].
                        Optional parameter for subcommand ["list"].
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        The profile you'll be using.
                        If not specified, the "default" profile will be used.
                        If no profiles are defined, the following env variables will be checked:
                        * RUNGUTAN_TEAM_ID
                        * RUNGUTAN_API_KEY
  • Or using environment variables
$ docker run \
  -e RUNGUTAN_TEAM_ID=my_team \
  -e RUNGUTAN_API_KEY=my_api_key \
  rungutancommunity/rungutan-cli:latest rungutan csv --help
usage: rungutan [-h] [--csv_id CSV_ID] [-p PROFILE] [{list,get,remove}]

CSV command system

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --csv_id CSV_ID       Required parameter for subcommand ["get", "remove"].
                        Optional parameter for subcommand ["list"].
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        The profile you'll be using.
                        If not specified, the "default" profile will be used.
                        If no profiles are defined, the following env variables will be checked:
                        * RUNGUTAN_TEAM_ID
                        * RUNGUTAN_API_KEY