
This repo is about us: The Dwarves

We are dwarves

Found in 2014, we are a team of geeks, hustles and startup veterans. We live around the world but most of us based in Saigon, Vietnam. We are (forever) young and always eager to learn. We have passion and experience in making cool products, esp. cloud and mobile apps. We want to help entrepreneurs solve real problems using our approachs and solutions.

We call ourselves dwarves, the small and misshapen creatures in Norse Mythology. We are wisdom, natural good at smithing, mining, and crafting. We have Miners, Crafters, Wizards and Soliders.

We position ourselves as a Startups Factory. We build innovative products, give a hand to build companies and also give seed investment. Join our network if you are startup veterans, can wear multiple hats at the time and want to build multiple world class products.

Our core values

You should have the same DNA to join us

  • Customer first: We provide the service with high quality and no latency response time. Customers have to be happy.
  • Geeky style: We can do anything, wear multiple hats, take multiple approachs from official to tricky way to achieve the goal.
  • Teamwork: Synchronisation and Collaboration are the most important key things. You can read this topic: It's hard to become a team member. We apply agile process to keep our spirits stick together.
  • Proactive: Pick your most productivity time to work. You need to figure out yourself what you want to do and what you want to contribute aligned to the team goal as a dwarf in the tribe. We are too busy to tell you.
  • Growth and sharing: You can learn another skill from other teammates. We are happy to share it with you. And we believe that working hard and improving yourself everyday will make you paid back later. Read this topic to keep yourself motivated.

How we work?

  • Onboarding: SHOULD READ! This shows the fastest way for you to get on board
  • Expectation: general expectation for team output quality
  • We Are Hiring: this is how we recruit new dwarves into our Woodland

We do agile

Because we know that teamwork is one of important factor to be successful. We reserve a separate post for it. Checkout this post to know more about our teamwork philosophy and how we apply Agile to improve the productivity.


Our stack and technology

Checkout the portfolio or tech.md

  • Git with Gitflow
  • Android / Java with Rx Programming
  • iOS / Objective-C / Swift with Rx Programming
  • ReactJS & VueJS
  • Go / Beego / Any minimal frameworks
  • Elixir / Phoenix


  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB


  • Ansible
  • DC/OS (mesosphere, mesos, marathon): Docker-centric workflow


  • Heroku
  • Rackspace
  • Digital Ocean
  • SoftLayer
  • Amazon AWS





Services & Configuration Manangement

Our team

The team




