Reducing Friction with RunnX - EE13

Clone this repo to start, my favorite way is to execute the following in powershell: git clone

You have two options

  1. Use the main branch and go through the steps by yourself.
  2. Use the complete branch and just execute the complete code yourself.

Option 1

Open rfwr_e13 folder in VS Code and open a new terminal window within VS Code.

Execute the following in the terminal to initalize npm

npm init -y

Add the app.js file to the rfwr_13 folder and type the following in the app.js file to populate main code

main tab

Execute the following in the terminal to execute the code to show current running state

node app.js

Execute the following in the terminal to install the npm package xml2js

npm install xml2js

Go to the top of the app.js file and type the following to import the library to the app

rxml2js tab

Go to the bottom of the file and type the following to add the Convert() function to the app

convert tab

Uncomment the call to the Convert() function in the main() function (should be line 18)


Finally execute the following in the terminal to execute the code to show the final running state

node app.js

Option 2

The easier option is to switch to the complete code branch and just execute the code to show the final running state

git switch complete

npm install

node app.js