This project is a coding assignment to develop a grid system that displays student details with pagination and server-side filtering. The project uses a Flask backend and a React frontend.
Please make sure that the following tools are installed on your local machine:
- Python (version 3.x)
- Node.js (version 14.x or higher)
- npm (comes with Node.js)
There are two folders: Backend and Frontend, Backend stores the main file and
- For Backend setup virtual environment will be preffered to aovid conflicts
Modules/packages to be installed: Flask, SQLite, Flask-CORS
Steps to run Flask app and test apis:
For testing Postman could be used (I use Thunder Client VS Code extension for api testing)
- Run npm install and npm install axios
- Needed code will be found in StudentData.jsx file where i'm fetching api data and make it visible here.
Sequence: Delete instance folder -> run -> run -> test api response -> run npm install and npm install axios in Frontend folder -> active server will send the data in ui.
-> Sample API endpoints:
- Get students with pagination:
- Get students with filtering:
This project displays student data with pagination and filtering.