
MEDToolBox your medical toolbox for maxillofacial preoperative planning. My first impression of the software engineer and my first time to develop all the code myself. It means a milestone to me.


MEDToolBox is your unique medical toolbox for craniomaxillofacial preoperative planning.

Brief Introduction

  • MEDToolBox is your medical toolbox for craniomaxillofacial preoperative planning. My first impression of the software engineer. It comes from a national 863 project in China. This software is a preoperative planning system based on VTK&ITK.

  • It includes many functions related to cranial and craniomaxillofacial surgery. The use of the implicit function to make guide plate is an innovative function, which makes it possible to get any size and shape of the craniomaxillofacial mesh.

  • As a preoperative planning the MEDToolBox has five modes to complete a series of craniomaxillofacial operation, such as reflection mode guide plate mode and collision detection mode. The following picture shows the function distribution.

  • According to the Pareto Principle, Only 20% is the most important things. Important imformation is marked in bold.

Software Design&Architecture

  • The GUI of the MEDToolBox is developed by using QT framework technology, the logic part of the system is based on VTK open source library.

  • The system can be divided into interactor, renderer, render window and other components corresponding to data processing, rendering and display. If we look at the system from the functional view, The system can also be divided into the following five modes: file mode, measurement mode, guide plate mode, reflection mode and collision detection mode. Switch between the five modes can achieve a series of complex craniomaxillofacial preoperative design and planning operation.

  • The five modes correspond to the five groups interactive menu, such design reference the architecture of VTK, making the structure of the entire system becomes more clear, more easy to maintain and less coupling. And such design also benefits the stability and robustness of the system.

  • Each interactor registers an event listener, when the there is a warning or error, the messages will be writed into system log, these message will help us restore use scene and maintenance the system. Each interactor inherit from the VTK interactive class while using QT signals and slots mechanism implementation of the right mouse button menu function.

  • The following twelve pictures are divided into five groups, Each group contains two pictures, except the last one contains four pictures. The five groups of pictures show what the interface looks like when you interact in that mode respectively. The five modes from top to bottom are: file mode which mainly deal with the import/export of craniomaxillofacial data simple and data operation like merge and interaction mode operation, measurement mode which mainly deal with the measure of the craniomaxillofacial data, reflection mode which mainly deal with anything about craniomaxillofacial repair by using symmetry, collision detection mode which mainly deal with the collision detect of the craniomaxillofacial data, guide plate mode which mainly deal with the fixation and defect of the craniomaxillofacial data.


  • The advantages of the MEDToolBox are the following:
    • The use of the computer-assisted craniomaxillofacial preoperative planning has all the advantages of computer assisted surgery. It extends the limited vision space of the cranial and craniomaxillofacial surgery, breaks through the limit of the traditional skull and craniomaxillofacial surgery, and deepens the concept of the skull and craniomaxillofacial surgery and surgical instruments. Especially, when it comes to avoiding operation risk, improving the operation accuracy, optimizing operation process, improving the operation of the planning efficiency.
    • The use of the implicit function allows you to adjust the shape and size of the funciton to clip. With the help of implicit function you can get almost any shape and size of smooth-edge mesh. However, other softwares use a method of erasing data. For example if you are deal with dicoms, you should erase dicom piece by piece to get the mesh or mesh module. Once you made a mistake in any piece of dicom you may waste lots of time finding the wrong piece of dicom and erase it again. What's worse is that most time the wrong piece of dicom is not obvious, even someone tells you the wrong piece of dicom you may still need some time to find the mistake. So the use of implicit function means relatively higher efficiency.
    • The use of the listen events can record many exceptions and errors in the system. The design of five modes correspond to the five groups interactive menu, which reference the architecture of VTK, making the structure of the entire system becomes more clear, more easy to maintain and less coupling. And such design also benefits the stability, robustness, maintainability and extensible of the system.    
  • There are four steps to show how to make guide plate for a patient with deficiency of craniomaxillofacial region. In case you are not satisfied with the mesh you get, you can do pick point and adjust implicit funciton step over and over again. Try both projection point surface point you may get better result, each way of point pick performs better in a particular type of data.
    • Firstly, open the original craniomaxillofacial data and find position to fix the plate as shown by picture (a) below. What need to pay attention to is that only the lower half part of craniomaxillofacial or the joint of the craniomaxillofacial can fix the plate. For the following example we can use the temporomandibular joint to fix plate.
    • Secondly, use clip plane function until we get the mesh near the symmetric position joint. the smaller the data, the easier the later work, as shown by picture (b)(c)(d).
    • Then, use the mouse to pick point of implicit function. Drag the green point(point of the implicit) to adjust the size and shape of the implicit function until you are satisfied, as shown by picture (e)(f). If projection point performs not that good try surface point.
    • Finally, clip plate and see what you get in the preview window. You do not need to clip the same shape as the missing part, generally speaking, the mesh is accepted as long as it can support the corresponding muscle and can be fixed. As shown by the picture (g)(h), you can see the mesh I clip is not the same as the missing part. When you are satisfied the mesh then thick it about 2mm, then the guide plate is done. And do not forget to save it.
  • There are some tips for better experience.
    • Try to use keyboard shortcuts for interaction. Button "A" means that interact in actor mode. Button "C" means that interact in camera mode. Button "R" means reset actors. In actor mode, user can move any actors but not camera. In camera mode, user can move the camera but not actors. most of the five interactive modes can switch between actors mode and camera mode.
    • When it comes to wheel in the middle of the mouse, the wheel rolls forward means that camera goes closer to actors which means that actors will look bigger. When the wheel rolls back, the situation is contrary to the previous case.
    • User can combine five different modes many times to make good preoperative planning.

Environment Configuration

This software is based on VTK5.2 ITK4.4 and QT4.8(you may need QtDesigner or QTCreator to make QT more easy).

File Catalog

MEDToolBox.rar include 3 types of files.

  • STLfiles folder(include stl files use for test)
  • MEDToolBox files(includes MEDToolBox.sln MEDToolBox.sdf)
  • MEDToolBox folder(include almost all source code).

Build&Warm Reminder

  • For windows put the ITK VTK and QT folder the same catalog like the following picture shows(open MEDToolBox.sln with txt you will know why).
  • Rebuild it in the DEBUG&win32 mode.
  • Use right mouse button or click the menu to interact.
  • IN CASE YOU FAIL BUILD&COMPILE TRY FOLLOWING:   * .suo .ncb .user(generated by VS2010).
    • debug or release catalog and some .obj files.
    • generatedfiles catalog(generated by QT).


  • Windows Debug 32-bit version of the MEDToolBox can be downloaded from https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=XZ06XwZ9Yemy3iUwhSHSm0dgjDyQ8SOWhv7 You can find all the dll files needed and STL files for testing.
  • You only need to put dll files in the appropriate position. For example, if you use Windows 7 64-bit operating system, just put them in C:\Windows\SysWOW64, then you can use it.


I am busy recruiting recently, so update should be quite slow.

  • 2.0 integrated all interactive mode.
  • 2.2 added log record function and registered listener event.
  • 3.0 reconstructed all the code and mode. And complete almost all the functions.
  • 2017-1-2 I fix the following BUGs in master version.
    • render component repeats reading files data leads to exception.
    • some modes can not save files to path which contains chinese character, but can read files from path which contains chinese character.
    • switch between methods in collision detection mode may change the position of model objects or cause exception.
    • if there are not two object models in collision detection mode, message box will prompt twice but once is allowed.
    • switch between methods of picking point in guide plate mode may cause exception.
    • when using other mode you can still pick point by the contourwidget which means mode haven't been changed.
    • drag the point of the contourwidget to change the implict function when in the guide plate mode may cause exception.
    • clip multiple model objects by implicit function may cause system crash.
    • input non-numerical or illegal characters when thickening the guide mesh may cause exception.
  • next version: repair the bug in the collision detection mode and guide plate mode.
    • implicit function may not get the craniofacial data mesh when input strange point data.
    • sometimes double click to open the right menu.
    • sometimes file loaded rotate automaticly.
    • add feature of the force feedback device.
    • merge the clip preview interface to the main interface to improve efficiency.
    • modify the detail of the interaction ot the implicit function to improve efficiency.
  • I really want to optimize the underlying of the VTK but I do not know how to do it.


Copyright [2016] [RuojiWang of copyright owner | YeaTmeRet@gmail.com | 1035456235@qq.com]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


  1. Why are you upload rar file instead of a folder which includes all the source code?
  2. Files in the MEDToolBox folder are more than 100, which is not all by GitHub.
  3. What's you Email Address, so I can contact with you?
  4. For any question or detailed information:MY EMAIL YeaTmeRet@gmail.com OR 1035456235@qq.com. I am willing to help you :).
  5. The files in MEDToolBox seems a little mess?
  6. MEDToolBox folder includes more than 100 files that's why I upload a rar file. Of course I could remove some files, for example I could remove CollisionDetectionInteractorStyle1.h and CollisionDetectionInteractorStyle1.cpp. In fact I only use CollisionDetectionInteractorStyle6.h and CollisionDetectionInteractorStyle6.cpp, but in my opinion the CollisionDetectionInteractorStyle1 is the original version of the CollisionDetectionInteractorStyle6, so I keep it in case I may use it. Maybe that is a little weird, but I guess every developer has his won weird things like this habit for me.~ I may remove these "redundant files" when the work is done.
  7. What's the advantage and disadvantage of the MEDToolBox?
  8. The advantange of the MEDToolBox is the use of the implicit function to make guide plate is an innovative function, which makes it possible to get any size and shape of the smooth-edge craniomaxillofacial mesh. As a preoperative planning the MEDToolBox has many modes to complete a series of craniomaxillofacial operation, such as reflection mode guide plate mode and collision detection mode.;The disadvantage of the MEDToolBox is that the VTK is designed as a common interactive framework, so that VTK has to take many things into consideration, which cause the low inefficient. Unless redesign or rewrite VTK from the bottom, VTK can not be effective.
  9. Why is the GUI(your picture) shows MEDToolBox3 not MEDToolBox?
  10. After the reconstruction and system-level adjustment, I guess now MEDToolBox is its 3.0 version.
  11. What else do you want to express beside above?
  12. I think the GitHub means a new land for my software career. It's the first time I take part in the social software development. I have little experience I may commit many mistakes. But what's more important, I am willing to listen to any advice and work harder.
  13. Your environment configuration for Linux and Windows seems too simple?
  14. Actually I only develop MEDToolBox on Windows, so I upload dll&lib I compile on the pcloud, I am not familiar with Linux environment configuration, But I guess it has many in common with what on Windows. If I write the cmake process on Windows or Linux there, the file will be too long. So I only provide dll&lib which I compile here, for other things, use the Google you will get them, not that hard.
  15. I see a folder named ITK, but you do not mention it anywhere?
  16. So far, all the functions in the MEDToolBox3 are based on VTK&QT, I plan to add some new feature which need ITK library, that is to say, I will use ITK in later version. So I upload the ITK files.